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90 数量经济技术经济研究 20 11 年第3 期
黄飞雪 王 云
( 大连理工大学管理与经济学部)
本文采用2002~ 20 10 年月度实际汇率数据并以汇改 分界, 分别建立
线性模型和非线性平滑转换 ( ST R) 模型, 发现非线性转换以时间 转换变量, 发
生于次贷危机对比得出: 中国向欧元区出口一直存在价格效应, 但收入效应随着
次贷危机的发生凸显出来, 其影响程度大幅增加; 实际汇率波动率对出口的影响在
汇改后显现出来, 但其影响方向不确定; 非线性机制是汇改 内因次贷危机 外
因的双重作用形成, 且2005 年7 月21 日的汇改选择是具有择时能力的考虑到中
国的产业结构调整需要时间, 汇改应采取渐进的策略并具有择时能力
汇率改革 欧元区出口 平滑转换回归模型 实际汇率波动率
F 8309 A
Effects of Real EUR /CNY Exchange Rate on the Exports
to Euro Area Pre and Post the Exchange Rate Reform
Abstract: In t his paper, the mont h y dat a are co ected f rom A pri 2002 t o
March 2010 and the Ju y 2005 is t aken as the cutof f point t o invest igat e how t he re
a EU R/ RM B ex chang e rat e and it s vo at i it y inf uence t he export s t ow ards eur o ar
ea befor e and af ter t he ex change rat e r ef ormAft er t he noninear t est, t he inear
st andar d mode and the noninear ST R mode are separ at e y estab ishedA nd t he
ST R mo de t akes t he variab e of t ime as t he t ransit ion variab e, w hich happened
during t he subprime cr isisCom paring study conc udes : ( 1) t he price eff ect a w ays
ex ist s, t he inco me eff ect becomes t he high ight aft er subprime crisis; ( 2) aft er
the ex chang e rate refor m, t he rea ex change rat e v o at i it y p ays a ro e; ( 3) t he
no n inear re at ionship is f orm ed under t he ex terna fact or of subprime cr isis and t he
int erna fact or of ex change rat e ref orm , and J u y 21, 2005 of exchange rat e refor m
is t o hav e t he abi ity t o choose t he tim e
Key words: Ex chang e Rat