Apache Group Profile万邦集团概况.pptVIP

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Apache Group Profile 万邦集团概况 Investment Opportunities in India * 万邦集团的发展历程 Apache Thrives on the China Venture 于 1991 年成立时,仅有 2 条生产线 800 名员工 Apache 集团现有中国及印度两大生产基地 Apache China (APE) 中国生产基地有超过 13,000 名员工 Apache India (APC) 印度生产基地有超过 7,000 名员工 总投资金额超过八千万美元 获得客户及当地政府的肯定 The Best SOE Performance Award from adidas in 2000 The Best LEAN Performance Award from adidas in 2001 The Best Partner Award from adias in 2003 The Best Quality Award from adidas in 2004 among many others 2005- Named among 139 Prominent Enterprises in China by the General Administration of Customs名列中国海关总署评定的“中国139家优秀企业”行列 …… * 万邦集团 印度生产基地 * 2006 与印度政府签订《金融监理备忘录》 Signed MOU with the Indian Government in Feb, 2006 2006年底正式出货 First PO shipped in Dec, 2006 地理位置: Tada Mandal, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh 土地面积: 314 英亩 Land area: 314 acres 经由清奈出口 Exportation through Chennai via trucks 目前产能 Current Capacity: 400K pairs/month 最大产能Full capacity: 450K pairs/month 概况Apache India’s Profile APC 位于印度清奈西北方向75km处 APC is located 75 km northwest of Chennai * 对照Comparison 万邦集团位于经济特区(SEZ)的基础建设 开发前Before 开发後 After 基础设施建设 Infrastructures Build up in APC 建造蓄水池,以满足全厂10,000 名员工需求 Built a water reservoir to serve over 10,000 workers factory 建设发电站,应对地方频繁停电时用电所需 Built a power station to control rampant frequent power outages * 派驻印度员工宿舍 Expatriates’ Dormitory at APC * 印度员工概况 * 员工性别比例 * 员工数 男性 Males 女性 Females 6,046 3,925 2,121 年资 1 年以下 1-2 年 2-3 年 3 年以上 Total 员工数 1,826 1,201 678 2,341 6,046 % 30.20% 19.86% 11.21% 38.71% 100% 员工任期分析 Workers Tenures Analysis * 距离 0-10 KM 10-20KM 21-50 KM 50 KM above 员工数 2,834 1,821 1,025 366 % 46.87% 30.12% 16.95% 6.05% 员工住家与工厂距离分析 Workers’ Geographical Dispersions Shuttle Bus service provided to take workers from the nearby highway villages to the factory * Monthly Gathering of 5800 employees Director of Ministry of Commerce and Industry APIIC Managing Director Meeting with Current AP Chief Minister 印度当地政府大力支持 Solid Supports from Indian Government * 各项回馈



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