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() o o 131 : G642. 0 : A : 1672- 9684( 2006) 02- 0131- 06 李 国 (重庆工学院, 重庆 400050) : 论述了产学研合作办学对高等学校的宏观意义和微观意义认为: 产学研合作办学有利于高校 理体制人才培养 模式和教育教学等改革, 有利于高校学科专业师资队伍和实践基地建设, 有利于高校科研工作的可持续性发展 : 产学研合作办学; 高校; 意义 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF COOPERATION IN RUNNING SCHOOL W ITH THE COMBINATION OF PRODUCTION, STUDY, AND RESEARCH TO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES LIGuo ( Chong q ing Inst itute of Tech no logy, Chong qing 400050, Ch ina) Abstract: Th is paper iscusses them acroscop ic an m icroscopic significance of cooperation in running schoolw ith the comb ination of pro uction, stu y an research to colleges an universities. It hol s that the cooperation in run- n ing schoolw ith the combination of pro uction, stu y an research is prop itious to the reform of the m anagement systems, the talent- cultivating mo els an e ucation an teaching of colleges an un iversities, to the construction of college courses an majors, team of teachers, an practice bases, an to the sustainable evelopment of scienti-f ic researchw ork of colleges an universities. K e words: cooperation in running schoolw ith the comb ination of pro uction, stu y an research; colleges an u- n iversities; sign ificance , , , / 0, / , , ; 0, , , , , , ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; , , ; , : 2005- 10- 20 : ( 1965- ), , , 132 李


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