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2006年 9月 湖北警官学院学报 Sep. 2006 第 5期∀ 总第 92期∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ Journal ofH ubei Universit of Police∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ No. 5∀ Ser. No. 92 陈∀ 岚 (, 430070) ∀ ∀ ∀ 死刑复核程序为我国大陆死刑案件裁判生效之必经程序, 对于保障死刑适用之审慎性 准确 性有着重要意义但由于死刑核准权之下放法律规定之死刑复核审理方式不科学等原因, 我国大陆死刑复 核程序存在程序虚置复核标准不统一行政程序色彩浓厚等问题我国理论界 实务界有废除论 完善论 两种观点, 而以完善论为主流之观点完善论提倡以保留我国死刑复核程序为前提重构我国死刑复核程序 法院体制在此现实背景 理论背景下, 最高人民法院扛起改革大旗, 收回死刑复核权之同时, 改原来死刑案 件二审之书面审为开庭审, 是为我国大陆死刑复核程序之重大进步死刑复核程序之改革蕴含着公正与效率 的博弈, 其改革无非是还原其司法程序性质 本来的价值追求, 目前之改革趋势亦朝着此方向发展 死刑复核; 复核标准统一; 核准权 D924. 1∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ A∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ 1673- 2391( 2006) 05- 0008- 05 On the reform of Ch ina# s death penalty check ing procedure Chen L an (Wuhan Un iversit , Wuhan 430070, China) A bstrac t: The death penalt check ing procedure is the necessar procedure in our con tinental law, wh ich is ver mi portant to ensure the w ariness and the veracit of the application of the death penalt . Bu t for the low ering dow n of the pow er of checking the death penalt and the unscientific stipulation in the law, the death penalt check ing proce dure in our continental law has som e prob lem s such as the emp tiness of the law, the d isunit of the check ing stand ard, the deep color of the adm in istration. So w e shou ld take part in the d iscussion on the law and form the abolish theor and the comp lete theor , and then reconstruct our death penalt check ing procedure and the count s stem on the base of the comp lete theor advocating the preserving the death penalt check ing procedure. In the practice, the suprem e court should take back the death penalt check ing pow er and change the


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