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原文 译文 事必卜,并把对祖先的崇拜发展 matters, in omens before the occurrence of fortune and 为信仰祖灵和迷信鬼神。在建筑 disaster. They turned to soothsaying for whatever they 服饰、器物等上施以龙、凤、象、 wanted to do. They worship their ancestors and turned their 鹿、鹤、鱼等善灵纹样,寄意吉 worshipping into believing in souls, ghosts and gods. 祥、美好,借以祈福;施以饕餮、 Therefore, motifs of dragon, Chinese phoenix, elephant, 夔、鸮、枭魈等恶灵纹样,寄意 deer, crane, fish, etc. were decorated on the buildings, 鉴戒、诅咒,借以镇邪。进而使 clothes or artificial objects in order to pray for blessings. On 天、地、人崇拜和善恶吉凶观念 the contrary, motifs of Tao Tie (a mythical ferocious and 广为传播。 gluttonous animal), Kui (a one-legged monster in fable), Xiao (a kind of owl) and Xiao (demon in mountain like a mandrill) were given the meaning of warning and curse. As a result, worship of the Heaven, the Earth, and ancestors, of conceptions of good and evil, and of good-bad luck were spread widely. 中国吉祥符早期形式的巨大作 The enormous effect of Chinese early auspicious symbol 用,预示着其后吉祥符的必然勃 promised its certain prosperity in the later times. After Qin 兴。秦汉以降,由于“天人感应” (221~206 B.C.) and Han Dynasties (206B.C. ~220A.D.), the 之说为中心的封建神学体系的建 auspicious symbol system, which covered heaven, earth, 立,开始确立了天、地、文表(人)、 human, plants, animals, mountains, springs and rivers, and 草木、鸟兽、山陵、渊泉、八方 eight directions, came into being af


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