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C C 信号波形合成实验电路设计(CC题) 摘 要:本设计包含方波振荡电路,分频电路,滤波电路,移相电路,加法电路, 测量显示电路。题目要求对点频率的各参数处理,制作一个由移相器和加法器构 成的电路,将产生的10KHz 和30KHz 正弦信号作为基波和三次谐波,合成一个 波形幅度为5V、近似于方波的波形。振荡电路采用晶振自振荡并与74LS04结 合,产生6MHz 的方波源。分频电路采用74LS390与CD4566分频出固定频率的 TI TI 方波,作为波形合成的基础。滤波采用TTII公司的运放LC081,分别设置各波形 的滤波电路。移相电路主要处理在滤波过程中相位的偏差,避免对波形的合成结 果造成影响。测量显示电路基于ARM 单片LM3S811,并显示测量值。经测试, 整机功能齐全,输出波形比较稳定,无明显失真。 关键词:方波振荡电路 分频与滤波 移相电路 加法器 Experimentalwaveformsynthesiscircuit Experimentalwaveformsynthesiscircuit EExxppeerriimmeennttaallwwaavveeffoorrmmssyynntthheessiisscciirrccuuiitt Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt:The design consists of a square wave oscillator circuit, divider circuit, filter circuit, phase shift circuits, addition circuits, measurement display circuit. Subject of the request of the point frequency of the various parameters of processing, production of a phase shifter circuit consisting of adders, will have the 10KHz and 30KHz sinusoidal signal as the fundamental and third harmonic, synthesis of a wave amplitude 5V, similar to square wave waveform. Since the oscillating crystal oscillation circuit combined with the 74LS04 to produce a square wave source 6MHz. Frequency circuit 74LS390 and the CD4566 divider out of a fixed frequency square wave, as a basis for waveform synthesis. Filtering using TIs op LC081, respectively, set the waveform of the filter circuit. Phase-shifting circuit in the main processing phase in the filtering process deviations, to avoid prejudicing the outcome of the waveform synthesis. Measurements show that the circuit chip based on ARM LM3S811, and display the measured values. The test machine featured, stable output waveform without significant distortion. Keywords Keywords K


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