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摘 要 由于房地产价格涨幅过大、增长速度过快,房地产市场投资投机性购房问题 严重,以及保障中低收入人群住有所居的迫切,中央调控压力再次凸显。而现在 对问题的研究往往更注重结构而非总量,并且对这方面的研究还存在空白,所以 调整房地产投资结构,推动房地产结构的优化升级,促进中国房地产市场持续、 稳定、健康的发展,促进国民经济增长有重要的现实意义。 本论文从房地产投资结构及其合理化的内涵入手,通过对房地产投资用途结 构现状及存在问题的分析,得出结论:我国的房地产市场是短缺与过剩并存的市 场,一方面,中低价位房屋和经济适用房短缺;另一方面,高档、大户型商品住宅 和高档写字楼、商业性用房过剩。这显然是不合理的,说明国家一系列的宏观调 控并未取得理想效果。针对以上问题,本文就我国房地产投资结构调整的主要政 策(包括财税调节、房地产金融调节、土地调节、保障性政策调节和其他调节) 进行了详细的分析,更是对2010年以来国家对房地产投资结构调整的效果进行了 解读,指出要在采取限购政策等行政干预解决当前突出问题的同时,更加强调了 长远的税收、保障房等制度建设,综合运用各种调整政策。 关键词:房地产投资 投资结构 调整对策 I ABSTRACT Because the price of the real estate rise too much and fast, the problem of speculative and investment purchase in the real estate market is serious, and security of low-income people live in some urgent, central control pressure highlights again. And now to the problem of research often pay more attention to structure and the total amount, and to the research of this aspect is still exist blank, so adjust the real estate investment structure, promote the upgrading of the optimization of the structure of the real estate, promoting Chinas real estate market sustained, stable and healthy development, promote the growth of national economy have important practical significance. This paper start from the connotation and rationalization of the real estate investment structure, based on the real estate investment use structure present situation and the existence question analysis, concluded that: Chinas real estate market is surplus and shortage coexist in the market, on one hand, low-cost housing and affordable hou


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