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Indu stria Eng inee ring and M anagem ent N o. 4, 2005 2005 4 : 1007-5429 ( 2005) 04-0070-06 ISM 贾晓霞 ( 上海海事大学 经济管理学院, 上海 200 135) : 在分析高新技术项目( HTP )面临的经济风险社会风险政策法规风险和 力资源风险 等区域风险及多重关联影响的基础上, 建立了HT P 风险系统的概念模型, 应用改进的解释结构建 模方法( ISM ) 对其建立了结构模型结合西安高新区某高新技术项目的具体实例, 着重探讨了方 法的应用和结果的分析 : 高新技术项目; 解释结构模型; 区域风险; 风险系统 : F274 : A The SystematicAnalysis on the RegionalRisk ofHigh TechnologyProjectsBased on Interpreted StructuralModel JIA X iao-x ia ( Schoo o f E conom ic andM anagem ent, ShanghaiM arit mi e Un iversity, Shangha i 200135, China) Abstract: On the basis of ana yz ing the soc ia, the econom y, the po it ic- ega, the hum an resource ( SEPH ) risks and their interconnected re ations, a concept m ode o f HTP risk system is extab ished w hich can be de fined / SEPH 0 risk comp ex system and its interpretive structura m ode ing( ISM ) is a so put fo rw ard by app y ing the m e thod of system eng ineering and ISM. Com bining w ith project practice o f X ipan h igh techno ogy area, it focu ses on the app ica tion of these m ethods and the resu ts ana ysis. Som e proposa s and so ut ions for m anagem en t are a so covered in the paper. eywords: h igh techno ogy project; ISM; reg iona risk; risk system , , 1 , ( H igh T echno ogy P roject, HTP) , [ 1] HTP , , , , , , , , , , , , , , HTP , : 2004 - 04- 14; : 2004- 10- 13 : ( 1976- ) , , , , ) 70 ) Indu stria Eng inee ring and M anagem ent N o. 4, 2005 2005 4 , , ,


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