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2004 科技整合管理國際研討會 May 22, 2004 pp930~948 知識工作者的分類架構與人力資源管理 陳怡靜 林淑姬 國立政治大學企業管理學系博士候選人 國立政治大學企業管理學系副教授 g0355510@nccu.edu.tw shuchi@nccu.edu.tw 摘要 本文試著建構一個概念性的分類架構以澄清知識工作者的意義及其類型,並提出與知識工作者 相對應之人力資源管理實務。本研究主要著重於知識工作者的分類架構,以了解不同知識工作者之 特性及其在組織內所扮演的角色,進而推論針對不同類型的知識工作者所應採行的人力資源管理實 務。本文共分為三個部份,第一部份,我們回顧並指出過去文獻對於知識工作者的定義過於繁多而 廣泛,但其中存有共通的觀點。第二部份,我們發展知識工作的 I-P-O 架構,以涵蓋知識工作的投 入、轉換過程與產出,以此作為知識工作者分類的整合架構,並提出知識工作者的三種主要類型及 其內涵。第三部份,探討組織應如何透過不同的人力資源管理實務以管理不同類型知識工作者,並 提出其相關命題,以作為管理實務之參考及未來實證研究之基礎。 關鍵詞:知識工作者、知識工作者的類型、知識工作者的人力資源管理 A Typological Framework and Human Resource Management of Knowledge Workers Abstract In this research, we aimed to contribute to present the integrative literature review and framework toward understanding the typology related to knowledge workers and to identify HRM practices of different kinds of knowledge workers. The study was organized as follows: First, we explored the common components from broad and numerous definitions of past research to distinguish knowledge workers from manual workers. Second, we built an exploratory framework to categorize knowledge workers based on reviewing relevant research of knowledge work’s elements. The I-P-O framework was established from input side, transformational process, and output side of knowledge work. And the integrative typological framework of knowledge workers was drawn from the I-P-O structure. Finally, advanced HRM practices of developing, retaining, and managing different kinds of knowledge workers were discussed and following propositions were submitted. Some suggestions of rethinking and changing the organizations’ systems for our enterprises were also illustrated. Keywords: knowledge workers 、typology of


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