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( ) 2008 2 JOURNA L OF SOUTHWEST J IAOTONG UN IVER SITY F eb. 2008 9 1 ( Socia Sciences) V o . 9 N o. 1 (福建师范大学 公共管理学院, 福建 福州350007 ) : 合作主义; 政府; 中介组织; 和谐社会 : 合作主义 提倡的是和谐一 的社会秩序, 政府与中介组织的互动性发展便是对这 一 主义 的 践行中国正处于社会转型期, 政府职能的转变公共权力向社会的回归社会组织的兴起等等, 都为 合作主义 在中国的运用提供了契机在中国构建和谐社会的大背景下, 应积极寻求实现政府与中介组织双赢的路径! !! 树 立合作理念构建合作模式培育合作环境等, 使之成为构建社会主义和谐社会强劲的推动力量 : D 63 : A : 1009- 4474 ( 2008) 0 1- 00 18- 05 Th e Strategy of W inw in betw een G overnm en t and In term ediary O rgan izations in th e Context of Co rporatism SONG H u ifang (College of PublicAdm inistration, Fuj ianN ormal University, Fuzhou 350007, China) K ey w ords: corporatism; governm ent; interm ed iary o rgan ization; harm on ious soc iety Abstract: T he corporatism advocates a harm on iou s and consistent socia order and the interactive deve opm ent betw een the governm ent and interm ed iary organ izat ions is the practice of corporatism. T he sh ift of governm ent functions, return of pub ic pow er to the soc ie ty, and the em ergence of soc ia organizations offer the opportunity for the app ication of corporat ism in the period o f Chinas soc ia transform ation. Consequent y, w e shou d active y seek for a proper rou te for the w inw in betw een governm ent and interm ediary o rgan izations: setting up the concept o f corporation, estab ishing the corporation m ode, and creating a corporat ion env ironm ent. T he abovem entioned m easures are expected to act as a driv ing force to deve op the harm on iou s socia ist soc iety in China. , ,


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