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煤和生物质共热解产气特性分析 学 院 动力与能源工程学院 专 业 环境工程 班 级 6404301 学 号 200604043022 姓 名 李新伟 指导教师 刘耀鑫 负责教师 刘耀鑫 沈阳航空航天大学 2010年6月 摘 要 我国是世界铬盐生产大国,年产量已超过16万吨,然而在其生产过程中产生大量含铬废渣。全国每年新排放铬渣约60万吨,历年累积堆存铬渣近400万吨。铬渣中含有0.3~1.5%可溶性cr(VI),经降雨和地表水的冲刷,cr(VI)进入周围土壤和地下水,对环境造成严重污染,目前我国受cr(VI)严重污染的土壤达1250多万吨。铬渣堆场己经列为我国土壤污染重点治理对象。我们国家目前急需修复铬渣污染土壤的关键技术。 关键词:铬渣,土壤铬污染, The Analysis of Gas Producing Characteristics on Co-pyrolysis of Coal and Biomass Abstract With the shortage of fossil fuels and severe environmental pollution, biomass as a clean, storable and transmittable renewable energy resource, has been attached to great attention around the world. It is important for our country to study on the co-pyrolysis of coal and biomass while biomass energy can be used effectively, and reduce pollution caused by coal combustion because of the lose of coal burning. The study focuses on the co-pyrolysis of coal and biomass by using a self-fixed bed. Major gas producing characteristics from the co-pyrolysis were analyzed by gas chromatographic analysis. It measured the effects of mixed ratio of biomass, catalyst type and amount of catalyst on the gas production rate and compositions about H2, CO and CH4. In the experiments, we selected heating end temperature is 900℃, DHC-32 and CaCl2 as catalysts which is 5%, 10% of the sample respectively, and using gas collecting bags to collected gas in different temperature ranges of 400-550℃, 600-750℃ and 800-900℃. The results show that in different temperature ranges, the gas compositions of H2, CO and CH4 changed with different mixed ratio of biomass. And catalyst can promote the gas producing of co-pyrolysis, there are large changes in gas compositions in different temperature ranges for different gas. Keywords: Coal; Biomass; Co-pyrolysis; Gas Producing Characteristics 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 铬及铬渣的危害 1 1.2.1 铬的危害 1 1.2.2 铬渣及其危害 2 1.3 铬渣的综合利用.........................................................................................................



Andy Warhol + 关注


