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目录 Abstract 1 第一章 绪论 2 1.1概述 2 1.1.1 系统开发背景 2 1.1.2 系统开发技术 2 1.1.3 可行性分析 6 1.1.4目的和意义 7 第二章 需求分析与总体设计 8 2.1系统需求分析 8 2.2系统总体设计 9 2.3数据需求 10 第三章 功能描述 16 3.1 注册与登录窗口的功能描述 16 3.2 系统主窗口功能描述 17 3.3 人员管理窗口功能描述 19 3.4 宿舍管理功能描述 20 3.5 课程管理查询窗口功能 21 3.6 专业介绍 22 3.7 管理员权限窗口功能 23 第四章 详细设计 23 4.1 注册登录界面设计 23 4.2 学生信息管理系统主页面设计 26 4.3母版页面的实现 30 4.4配置管理 34 设计总结 35 参考文献 38 Abstract At todays rapid development of Internet in order to strengthen between teachers and students, schools and students to communicate information between parents, students communicate well, I think we should build a Class website for the Class School at home on campus network security. At university campuses, students have increased the personal computer. BBS almost became the campus of the University sub-culture as an integral part of. University website in particular the special Class of virtual communities, in recent years as mobile QQ, and the same message, has gradually become a fashion among young people. Now that the network has been integrated into the daily lives of the students, their learning, an integral part of life, and the reality and the urgent need to have a new collective approach to construction to make up for the shortcomings of traditional management of Class, then the ability to exert the function of network , Construction Services in the class will consider a natural. So involved in the discussion of the dissertation Class. Class website is in reality an extension of the network and mapping, the establishment of the Class website aimed at colleges and universities in order to explore new ways of Class Construction, Construction to build a new platform Class. [Key Words]:Class website;ASP; Dreamweaver 第一章 绪论 1.1概述 1.1.1 系统开发背景 据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)2007年4月发布的调查数据,在我国3.03亿网民中,学生占到33.2%,而这其中在校学生更是网民的主体。在大学校园里,拥有个人电脑的学生与日俱增。在连上教育网的大学宿舍里,一个个学生一整天挂在网上,开着BBS,开着QQ,他们在上面凭借一个个ID浏览、发布信息,与人交流—甚至是与自己相距80公分的室友。BBS几乎成为大学校园次文化的一个组成部分。特别是大学班级网站这一特殊的虚拟社区,近年来也像QQ和手机短信一样,逐渐成为年轻人的一种时尚。 在Internet飞速发展的今天,大学、中学


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