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水钾耦合对烤烟干物质和钾积累分配的影响 张 楠 (农学院烟草工程2004-1班) 摘要: Effect of Water and Potassium(K) Fertilizer Coupling on Dry Matter and Potassium Accumulation and Distribution in Flue-cured tobacco Zhang Nan (Tobacco Project 2004-1 of Agronomy College) Abstract: Pot experiments were conducted to determine the effects of water and potassium(K) fertilizer coupling on dry matter and potassium accumulation and distribution in flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that the dry matter and potassium accumulation of tobacco increased when provided water and potassium, the dry matter accumulation of W2K2 and W2K1 is biggish, the potassium accumulation of W2K2 and W1K2 is biggish, the dry matter and potassium accumulation of W0K0 is least, the distribution ratio of dry matter and potassium in tobacco is leaf stemroot. The distribution ratio of dry matter and potassium in tobacco when provided excessive water. Providing potassium is in favor of potassium accumulation and distribution in leaves of tobacco by decrease the distribution ratio of root and stem while the same water, but the distribution ratio of leaf decreased when provided more potassium. Drought is not in favor of the dry matter and potassium accumulation of above-ground part of tobacco because it increased the distribution ratio of dry matter and potassium of roots and decreased stem. The results of correlation analysis showed that there are significant correlation between dry matter and potassium accumulation. Key words: Water and potassium(K) fertilizer coupling;Flue-cured tobacco;Dry matter;Potassium;Accumulation;Distribution我国的烟草种植面积和总产量均居世界首位[1],烟叶生产在国民经济中占有重要的地位。水分和肥料直接影响着烟叶的产量、质量和效益,是烟草生长发育必不可少的重要物质资源。烤烟是喜钾作物,对钾的需要量高,生产优质烟叶不得不施用形成最适产量烟株生长所需钾素的23倍钾肥才能使烟叶含钾量有较大幅度提高达到明显提高烟叶品质的目的充足供应钾素是保证烟株正常代谢和生长发育,烟叶优质适产的重要条件,含钾量被公认为是优质烟叶的指标之一[2]。施钾能够改善烟叶的颜色、身份,提高烟叶的燃烧性和吸湿性,降低燃烧温度,减少焦油释放量,提高烟叶的品质和安全性而我国的钾素资源相对贫乏,钾肥利用率不高,烟叶的钾含量普遍偏低,特别是北方烟区。因此供钾问题已成为限制烟叶含钾量提高的重要障碍。如何克服烟叶生产中钾素营养障碍已成为烟草行业普遍关注的问题。国内外学者从影响烟株生长的环境条件和栽培技术手,进行了大量研究,但仍未使烟叶含钾量有大幅提升。同时,



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