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题 目:连续介质力学与塑性力学
报告人:Vikas Prakash
时 间:第17周周四、周五(6月24日、25日)14:00—17:00
地 点:25教B303
【附】Vikas Prakash教授简介
Vikas Prakash received his PhD in Engineering in 1993 from Brown University with Prof. Rodney J. Clifton as his dissertation advisor. He joined the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Case Western Reserve University in 1993 as the Warren E. Rupp Distinguished Assistant Professor of Science and Engineering, and attained the rank of a Professor in 2004. His research interests are in the area of Mechanics of Materials, with an emphasis on developing experimental methods to advance the basic understanding of deformation, flow, slip and failure in advanced engineering materials and geo-materials on a micro/nano-second time-scale and/or micro/nano-meter length scales. A recent thrust of his research has been in the area of renewable energy with an emphasis on understanding thermal transport in individual nanostructures, nanostructured interfaces, waste-heat harvesting, and also mechanics of smart wind blades. He is an author of over 150 technical articles in journal and conference proceedings. He was elected Fellow of the ASME in 2007. In 2004 he has been invited participant to the Frontiers of Engineering organized by the National Academy of Engineering. He has served on the editorial board of the International Journal of Experimental Mechanics as an Associate Technical Editor. At CWRU, he has served as the Chair of the Case School of Engineering (CSE) Executive Committee from 2007-2008, Chair of the CSE Strategic Academic Plan Committee 2007-2009, and Member of the CSE Strategic Academic Plan Implementation Committee 2008-present. In 2010 he was a member of the CWRU delegation to China to Tianjin University and Tsinghua University to explore opportu
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