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第 18 卷第 2 期南京体育学院学报Vol. 18. No. 22004 年4 月Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical EducationApr. 2004 体育社会学 对我国健身俱乐部管理状况及 未来管理模式的探讨 卓志伟 南京体育学院, 江苏 南京 210014) 要: 当今社会, 竞争日益激烈, 繁忙而高强度的工作使人们对于健康的渴求日益增长。伴 随而来的是体育健身俱乐部行业的巨大的市场, 于是很多健身俱乐部像雨后春笋般出现在中 国, 但这些俱乐部中, 到底谁能做出成绩而获取成功, 恐怕要看谁最善于把握健身俱乐部行业 的脉搏了。洋品牌争奇斗艳, 西方国家健身房经营比我们先行, 自然比我们成熟。有的健身俱 乐部自 20 世纪中叶就已开始起步, 至今已经历了近半个世纪, 但国内的健身俱乐部也不是完 全没有竞争能力, 从健身俱乐部的建立、提供消费的方式、盈利手段和发展前景四个方面分析, 并对我国的健身俱乐部的管理状况和未来管理模式进行探讨, 国产的健身俱乐部是拥有其自 身的特点和优势的。 关键词: 健身俱乐部; 管理状况; 管理模式 中图分类号: G80- 05 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1008- 1909( 2004) 02- 0034- 04 The Development of Chinese Sports Gymnasium Club ZHUO Zhi- wei (Nanjing Institute of Physical Education, Nanjing 210014 China) Abstract: In advanced country, the Sports Gymnasium Clubs were founded in the middle of the 20th. In the following 50 years, they have summarized a series of management methods and established scientific administration model. We should absorb the advanced experiences of them and create our idiographic characteristic. Although our Sports Gymnasium Clubs have not such a long history as the advanced coun-tries, we have lots of practicable experiences could be learned. Catenation is a pivotal way to develop Sports Gymnasium Clubs. We can assimilate the basic experiences of catenation in advanced countries and combine them with our own market. E- commence is another important way to construct E- Sports Gymnasium Clubs. Grasping the opportunities brought on by China s entry into the World Trade Organ-i zation and the country s strategy to develop High Technology industry, we should amalgamate E- com-mence into Sports Gymnasium Clubs and offer E- management. History teaches us that there is always a considerable time lag between the advent of an upswing. Catenation will help us catch up with the coun-terparts in advanced country; finally, E- commence will enable us to exceed them. Key words: Sports Gymnasium Clubs, managing status, managing model 收稿日期: 2004- 01- 22 作者简介: 卓志伟( 197



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