
包头师范学院毕业论文开题报告(英语 ).doc

包头师范学院毕业论文开题报告(英语 ).doc

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包头师范学院 毕业论文(设计)开题报告 论文题目: The Analysis of Henry from A Farewell to Arms 学生姓名: 王丹 学 号: 0804130026 专 业: 英语 指导教师: 赵巧红 2011年 12 月 18 日 ?开题报告有关说明 ? 1.开题报告作为毕业论文(设计)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。此报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业论文(设计)工作前期内完成,经指导教师签署意见审查后生效。 2.开题报告内容必须用黑墨水笔工整书写,或按院系统一设计的电子文档标准格式打印(教务处网页),禁止打印在其它纸上后剪贴,完成后应及时交给指导教师签署意见。 3.学生查阅资料的参考文献应在5篇及以上(不包括辞典、手册),开题报告的字数要在1000字以上。 4.有关年月日等日期的填写,应当按照国标GB/T 7408—94《数据元和交换格式、信息交换、日期和时间表示法》规定的要求,一律用阿拉伯数字书写。如“2007年12月28日”或“2007-12-28”。 5.开题报告与学生毕业论文一起由院系存档。 1.选题依据及研究综述 A Farewell to Arms is a representative work of Ernest Hemingway. Henry, the hero of the novel is a “shadow” of the author. He joins the army with good wills but finally he finds himself cheated by the capitalist class. When he gets a clear understanding of the true features of the war, he begins to fight against it. But he can’t resist the war and the society. He loses the aim of life and is at a loss. He is a representative figure of “the lost generation”. Ernest Hemingway combines austere realism and poetic language to present a powerful argument against war and to tell a touching love story at the same time. Possessed of the most remarkable time sense of the period between wars, his disillusioned temperament and technical skill have influenced a whole generation of writers. In spite of its hard-boiled realism of detail and its tragic ending, A Farewell to Arms is nevertheless an idealistic book. 2.课题的基本内容 A Farewell to Arms is a representative work of Ernest Hemingway. Lieutenant Frederic Henry, the main character, is a typical representative figure of “the lost generation”. The intention of this thesis is to analyze Henry’s character and the way he grows and changes, lives and learns about the nature of war and love. Hemingway became one of the “lost generation” after World War I. “Charged with enthusiasm by war propaganda with its catch words like


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