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摘 要 电气控制基础是一门综合知识较强,内容繁多的电气基础课程。在电气控制基础课程中含有大量的图片,表格,及其复杂的电路图流程图。使用多媒体课件来进行电气控制基础的教学,系统的介绍了课件设计的全过程,把复杂的课件制作过程用简单的几步来概括。提出了课件制作的思想,运用独特、新颖的流程图方法,将繁琐的文字叙述变成了直观的流程图,大大降低了学习难度。清晰逼真的图片、动听的音乐等,从而产生喜闻乐见的生动效果。 本文主要介绍使用Authorware制作电气控制基础的多媒体课件。需要对Authorware流程线的合理分配和使用来建立电气控制基础的框架。合理使用Authorware中的交互、框架、群组、计算等图标来逐层的建立课件的各个层次的内容。熟练的使用Authorware中的函数功能来实现课件需要的上一页,下一页,退出等功能。Authorware制作后的课件还需要通过加载外部函数来解决全屏运行的问题,同时还可以通过发布功能来制作成可以脱离Authorware软件独立运行程序。使用Authorware制作课件的所有流程都体现在其流程线上,这就利于对课件内容和框架结构的修改和完善,也便于检查和保存。 关键词:电气控制基础;多媒体课件:Authorware;流程线 Abstract The electrical control foundation is a comprehensive course, the content of electrical foundation course is various. the electric control foundation course contain a lot of pictures, form, and complex circuit diagram flow chart. Use of multimedia courseware for teaching of the basic of the electrical control system, introduces the design process of courseware, making use simple steps to summarize the complex courseware.Put forward the thought of courseware, the use of unique, innovative methods of the flow chart, will be tedious writing into intuitive flow chart, and greatly reduce the difficulty of learning. Clear lifelike pictures, beautiful music, so as to produce the effect very vivid. This paper mainly describes the use of Authorware making electrical control based multimedia courseware. Making Authorware flow line distribution and use to establish electrical control basic framework. Reasonable use the interactive, frame, and Authorware group, calculation of the establishment of the icon to step by step a courseware every level of content. using the function in the function to realize Authorware courseware need previous page, the next page, exit etc. Function. After making the courseware Authorware need through the loading external function to solve the problem of full screen operation, and at the same time through the release the function to make into Authorware software independent operation can be fr


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