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摘 要 随着我国经济飞速发展,人们消费水平的不断提高,垃圾的产生量也在迅速增加。为了应对这些层出不穷的垃圾,减轻垃圾对社会环境所造成的压力,实施垃圾分类回收制度势在必行。目前,我国大部分城市仍然采用垃圾混合收集的处理方式。这种垃圾处理方式不仅严重影响了城市的环境卫生和人们的身体健康,而且造成了大量资源的浪费。虽然我国新修订了《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》,初步建立了垃圾污染防治的法律、法规体系,但仍存在着立法的盲区,缺少相应的配套法规,无法对垃圾污染进行全过程法律规制。因此,立足于我国的现实情况,适当借鉴国外发达国家在生活垃圾的管理和立法上的先进经验,重新构建我国生活垃圾分类回收的管理体制和完善我国垃圾分类回收立法势在必行。首先,应建立与市场经济相适应的管理体制,明确政府职能,营造良好的市场秩序,大力推进生活垃圾分类回收的产业化、民营化,实行垃圾收费制度,鼓励公众积极参与。其次,以循环经济为我国生活垃圾分类回收立法的指导思想,在立法中贯彻生活垃圾减量化、无害化、资源化原则,制定各项配套法律、法规,提高法律的可操作性,完善我国垃圾分类回收制度等相关法律体系。 关键词:垃圾分类回收立法;管理体制;循环经济 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of economy of our country, to improve the level of consumption, waste discharges are increasing rapidly. In order to deal with these emerge in endlessly; reduce the waste garbage on the social environment caused by pressure, implement waste recycling system imperative. At present, most of our city garbage collection of mixed still using the treatment. This garbage processing not serious impact on the environment of the city health and peoples health, but also caused a waste of resources. Although our new revision of the Peoples Republic of China on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste, establish a garbage pollution control laws and regulations system, but there is still lack of legislation blind, corresponding regulations, unable to process waste pollution laws and regulations. Therefore, based on the reality in China, the appropriate abroad garbage in the developed countries in legislation and management of advanced experience, constructs our life rubbish recycling management system and perfecting the legislation of recycling garbage is imperative. First, establish and adapt to market economy system of management of government function, and to create a good market order, promote recycling garbage classification of industrialization, the privatization of garbage charge system, and encourage the public participation. Secondly, to circular economy in China for recycling garbage in the legislat


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