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科目中文名稱 :程式設計 授課教師 :林銀河
科目英文名稱 : Program Design
開課班級 資訊軟體學系(創業發展學院) 必/選修 必修 學分數 3學分 (每週6小時) 先修科目 資訊概論I,II 教學內容及進度 週次 月/日 授? ? ? 課? ? ? 內 容 第一週 C++ Basics and Introduction to Program Development Environment
Flow of Control 第二週 Function Basics 第三週 Parameters and Overloading
Quiz 01 第四週 Arrays 第五週 Structures 第六週 Classes
Quiz 02 第七週 Constructor and other tools 第八週 1、Strings 第九週 Pointers and Dynamic Array
Final examination 講授方式 ◎ 課堂講授 ◎ 分組討論 參觀實習 ◎ 其他(上機實習) 教學設備 ◎ 電腦 ◎ 投影機 其他( ) 課程目標 The primary purpose of this course is to help students continue to develop their understanding of the theory and practice of computer programming, focusing on techniques of program development using the C++ programming language. Students will also broaden their understanding of program design and programming language features that are applicable to many computer languages. Students will also continue to hone their problem solving skills as they become more proficient at programming the computer, and hopefully, will seek to learn more.
Upon satisfactory completion of this course, students will:
know the syntax and proper use of functions, control structures, arrays, text files, simple structures and classes in the C++ programming language.
know debugging and testing techniques for software development
be familiar with problem solving techniques commonly used in beginning programming
develop a style of programming that makes programs readable and readily modified.
understand the need for abstraction and verification in solving problems using software 上課方式 本課程,除課堂授課外,所有教學內容同時製作成網際網路之網頁,並設計多項議題上網討論,以達成教、學與互動之效用,同學可依據排定之進度,於課堂授課之前預覽網頁教材,課堂之中未能慎解之處,亦可於課後上網複習或運用主題討論及 email 與老師或同學進行問答或討論。Absolute C++ by Walter Savitch (Third Edition) 參考書籍 Problem Solving With C++ by Walter Savitch (Sixth Edition) 批改作業篇 數 6 備註 成績考核方 式 V 平時參與 : 20 % V 上機實習成績:30 % V 學期考試 : 20 % V 平時