代号: TS3625B.docVIP

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代号: TS3625B CODE No: TS3625B 名称:轻触开关 NAME:TACT SWITCHES 页码:1/4 PAGE NO :1/4 一 使用环境条件: 温度: -25~+70℃:相对湿度95%以下:额定电压:36V (DC): 额定电流:50mA。 Environmental Condition of utilization: Temperature: -25~+70℃: Relative humidity: below95% Rated Voltage: 36V (DC) Rated Current : 50mA 二: 规格 Specifications: 序 号 Or der 项目 Item 试验条件 Experimental Condition 指标 Target 1 外观 Outward Appearance     目测   Visual Measurement 金属表面应清洁、无锈蚀和镀层起脱现象,塑料壳应无飞边、裂纹、损伤、凹凸不平。 Metal surface should be smooth and not be corroded by rust.Plating should not crease or peel off.Plastic casing should not be uneven, crude or have any cracks or damage 2 尺寸 Dimensions 开关安装尺寸、配合尺寸按本产品图纸及零部件图要求, Socket installation size,coordination size should be in accordance with the requirements of the drawings of this product. 按图纸尺寸以及公差要求。 According to the size of the drawing and folerance. 3 耐电压 Voltage Resistance 常态:50HZ AC 250V Normally: 50HZ AC 250V 各导电部份之间的绝缘,应能承受试验电压的作用而无击穿。 The insulation of different parts conducting electricity should bear the function of experiment voltage and there are no punctures on it. 代号: TS3625B CODE NO: TS3625B 名称:轻触开关 NAME:TACT SWITCHES 页码:2 / 4 PAGE NO :2 / 4 序 号 or der 项目 Item 试 验 条 件 Experimental Condition 指标 Target 4 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance 试验电压:DC 250V±15V Experimeht Voltage:DC250V±15V 常态:应≥100MΩ Normally: ≥100MΩ 5 接触电阻 Contact Resistance 常态:应≤50mΩ Normally: ≤50mΩ 寿命试验后:应≤1Ω Post-lifetime-experiment: ≤1Ω 6 动作力 Insertion and Pulling out Forces 用标准头,沿按钮轴线方向进行测量. The force is measured when the inserting or pulling out is done in the direction of the aperture axis with a standard plug . 根据使用要求制作 动作力在180/250g±30g 范围内 Operating Force 180/250 g±30g 7 高温性能 High Temperature Property 试验温度:260℃±10℃ 时间:5S Experiment Te


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