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*   假定你是李华,计划暑假间去英国学习英语,为期六周。下面的广告引起了你的注意,请给该校写封信,询问有关情况(箭头所指内容) 要点+细节 (情与景) (一).结构 询问是指想得到某种信息,或对某些问题没有把握而向对方咨询的一种信函。一般来说询问对方会给对方带来麻烦,所以措辞要谦虚、诚恳,内容要简明扼要,让对方一看就知道所需要的帮助。 信的安排可分为三大部分。 开头部分:一是自我介绍,二是要表明写信询问的目的。让对方觉得你是可信的,是值得帮助的。 正文部分:询问的主要内容。为了方便对方,可用数字列出具体问题。如first; second; third….总之,要力求简明扼要。 结尾部分:真诚感谢对方,并期盼回复。 咨询信 说明写信的目的 1. I am a …and planning to study in your university this summer. 2. I’m writing to ask if … 介绍背景 1. I am writing at the suggestion of a friend who graduated from your university last year and has warmly recommended it to me. 2. I have had a bachelor’s degree in biology and wish to continue my study at your university. 询问详情 I would appreciate it if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through. 表示谢意,期盼回复 1. Sorry to bother you, your kind help would be greatly appreciated. 2. I will appreciate it very much if you can give me a reply. 开头部分 I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding + 主题(正确表达法). planning to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation as a student in China ? 交际是关键 句式要地道 I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information regarding the following aspects. 礼多不怪人!! 正文部分 Will you please send me the relevant information(相关信息) and application forms? Could you please tell me sth about your….? (总说)I’ve seen your ad, and I’d like to know something more about your six-week English course. (分说1)First, when will the course start and how many class hours are there per week? (分说2)Besides, I wish there would not be too many students in a class. (分说3)I’d also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included. Would there be host family or university dormitory? 时态要准 礼节要到 句型要好 短语要好 语态要用,语序要对 要点句式重在运用 结尾部分 Could please inform me as soon as possible so that I could make an arrangement? Your prompt(迅速的)and favorable (有利的)attention to my inquiry(询问) would be appreciated. I a


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