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* We Support Self-Improvement 我们支持自我提升 High performance people are generally self-improving through experience, observation, introspection, reading, and discussion高绩效人才大多能通过经验、观察、内省、阅读和讨论自我提升 As long as they have stunning colleagues and big challenges to work on只要他们还拥有杰出的一群同事和足够大的工作挑战 We all try to help each other grow我们所有人都努力相互帮助对方成长 We are very honest with each other我们所有人都对彼此诚实 * We want people to manage their own career growth, and not rely on a corporation for “planning” their careers 我们希望员工管理他们自己的职业发展,而不是依赖于公司“规划”他们的职业生涯 * Your Economic Security is based on your Skills and Reputation 你的经济保障建立在你的技能水平和人品名声之上 We try hard to consistently provide opportunity to grow both by surrounding you with great talent 我们倾尽全力持续提供机会,使得你和你周围的杰出同事共同成长 * Seven Aspects of our Culture 文化的7个方面回顾 Values are what we Value(价值观来自于我们推崇和珍视的价值) High Performance (追求高绩效) Freedom Responsibility(自由和责任) Context, not Control(情景管理而非控制) Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled(认同一致,松散耦合) Pay Top of Market(支付市场最高工资) Promotions Development (晋升和成长) * We keep improving our culture as we grow 随着我们的成长,我们持续提升我们的企业文化 We try to get better at seeking excellence 我们努力通过寻求卓越而变得更好 * * * Independent Silos(国企型) Each group executes on their objectives with little coordination 每个团执行各自的目标,基本没有协同。 Everyone does their own thing 每个团队做自己的事。 Work that requires coordination suffers 要求协同的工作让各方都很受伤。 Alienation and suspicion between departments 部门之间山头林立,彼此排挤,相互怀疑。 Only works well when areas are independent只有完全独立的业务领域内才能运转顺畅。 e.g., aircraft engines and blenders for GE 例子:GE公司的飞机引擎制造部门和搅拌机制造部门 * #3 is the Netflix Choice 第三种是Netflix的选择 1. Tightly Coupled Monolith 巨无霸型 2. Independent Silos 国企型 3. Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled 认同一致又松耦合型 * Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled 认同一致,松散耦合 Highly Aligned认同一致 Strategy and goals are clear, specific, broadly understood 战略和目标为全员所清晰、详尽和广泛的理解 Team interactions focused on strategy and goals, rather than tactics 团队互动着眼于战略和目标,而非战术 Requires large investme



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