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中国石油大学(北京)2009–2010学年第一学期 研究生期末考试试题A (闭卷考试) 课程名称: 专业英语 学号: 姓名: 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得分 单词(20分) 题目要求:请根据下面给出的中文或英文写出相对应的英文或中文单词。例如,题目中给出“petroleum”,请对应写出中文“石油”;题目中若给出“天然气”,请写出对应英文“natural gas”。 hydrocarbon basin sedimentary rock limestone carbonate gravel pack unconformity exploration wildcat well seismic geophone drill cuttings electric logs spud in technical casing perforation cementing christmas tree dissolved gas openhole completion production restriction proppant reservoir description productivity index acid fracturing condensate water conning subsea monitoring artificial lift 孔隙度 渗透率 钻头 圈闭 胶结 油藏工程 断层 气顶 筛管 水力压裂 英译汉翻译(42分) 题目要求:请将下面几段英文翻译成中文,注意关键词语和句子结构翻译的准确性。 Four broad groups of sand exclusion methods are available: (1) production restriction methods, (2) mechanical methods, (3) in-situ chemical consolidation methods, and (4) combination methods. With the exception of production restriction methods, the remaining methods provide some means of mechanical support for the formation. Results from previous drilling provide important information for explorationists. When a well is drilled, small rock chips called cuttings are recovered from the drilling fluid. These are ground up and broken off by the drill bit as it cuts into the earth. Geologists, geophysicists and palynologists—scientists who study pollen and small fossil—examine the cuttings to learn more about the age, chemistry, porosity, permeability and other properties of the subsurface rock formations. (palynologists:孢粉学家;pollen:花粉) Gas is associated with oil and water in reservoirs in two principal ways, as solution gas and as free gas in gas caps. Given proper conditions, such as high pressure and low temperature, natural gas will stay in solution in oil in a reservoir. When the oil is brought to the surface and the pressure relieved, the gas comes out of solution, much as a bottle of soda water fizzes when the cap is removed. (soda:苏打;fizz:发出嘶嘶响声) The perforated completion—by far


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