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[摘 要] 克里丝蒂娜·罗塞蒂是英国文学史上最有才华的女诗人之一,又是一位颇具传奇色彩与神秘气息的精神诗人,但在中国长期以来不为人们所注意。克里丝蒂娜以17世纪的精神诗人乔治·赫伯特为师,又融入了先拉裴尔派唯美、忧郁与细腻的艺术风格,因此,她的诗作具有双重张力:宗教虔信下的爱情企盼与清寒自制里的热切奔放。哀婉的诗情,难消爱的温热;貌似平静的吟咏中,涌动着情感的激流;这种看似矛盾其实又统一的诗意境界才是她真实的精神与艺术风貌。克里丝蒂娜一生为宗教所困,诗作中的忧伤情调确切无疑地根源于她的宗教情感,使她的诗像带着镣铐跳舞般摇摇晃晃;而她优秀的诗作,生命的热忱却能够冲决宗教的围困。
[关键词] 清新哀婉;宗教虔信;热切深情;爱情挫折;生命热忱。
the enthusiasm and devotion in the world of cold and clear
——on christina rossetti’s poetic realm bstract: christina georgina rossetti is the finest woman poet in the history of english literature. her poetry is suffused with religious pietyshe modeled herself on the seventeenth-century spiritual poet george herbert in this respect. she was also associated with the pre-raphaelite brotherhood led by her brother d. g. rossetti, and shared the pre-raphaelite taste for beautiful but sad and rather languid imagery, but her diction is remarkable for its simplicity and sincerity.
like her brothers dante gabriel and william michael, christina developed an early love for art and literature. when she was an adolescent, her life changed dramatically. her father became a permanent invalidthe family’s economic situation worsened, and her own health deteriorated. at this point, she, her mother, and her sister became intensely involved with anglo-catholic movement within the church of england. for the rest of her life, christina governed herself by strict religious principles and refused twice her suitors for marriage. then she lived a quiet life, occupying herself with charitable work, with caring her family and with writing poetry. she started to write poetry early in life but did not publish her first collection of poetry, “goblin market and other poems”, till 1862. she wrote with intensity as much as her brother though in a simpler style. the long narrative poem “goblin market”, primarily meant for children and written in sing-song short-lined couplets, is about two sisters lizzie and laure who
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