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议论文写作套路 熟悉各类万能模板 议论文的类型 英语议论文根据命题特点,从形式上来看可分为如下类型: “一分为二”的观点.如“轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境、经济的利弊 “两者选一”的观点.如,“乘火车还是乘飞机” “怎样……(how to)”型.如“怎样克服学习中碰到的困难”.(suggestions) “我认为……”型.如“你对课外阅读的看法” 图表作文.通过阅读图表中的数字与项目得出一个结论或形成一种看法. 模式一 (详细论述利弊) 第一段:陈述现象(记叙文可能以事例引出现象) 第二段:详细论述利弊 (重点段) 第三段:我的态度/ 观点+ 原因 (简要重述或换一种说法重复上文的利弊即可,见example 1 大学扩招的利弊) 或者——第三段:我的态度(1句带过),建议(提1~2点,只需写出如何做,不需解释为什么要这样做。见example 2、3、4) 1.大学扩招的利弊 2. 博客的利弊 (2011高三广州市调研考试) 3. 90后青少年特征的利弊 (2月月考) 4.青蛙书P101 Computers:Both a Blessing and a Curse Example 1 大学扩展的利弊 2011年2月26日测验大作文 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Increased College Enrollment(入学) In recent years, there is a steady increase in college enrollment. To many high-school students, its definitely good news,for they would have better chance of receiving higher education. You dont have to look very far to find out the advantages of the increased college enrollment. For one thing, it lessens the worries of both high school graduates and their parents. Besides,increased college enrollment can contribute to raise the educational level of our nation. Whats more, increased college enrollment can provide more students with specialized knowledge, thus serving our development in a positive way. On the other hand, we can not deny that there are some potential problems about increased college enrollment. To begin with, with the increased number of students, the shortage of teaching staff and facilities becomes clearly seen. Worst of all, increased college enrollment leads to increased competition in the job market. Its not an easy task to tell whether the tendency should be encouraged. As to me, its laudable to grant more students higher education. But a college degree is by no means a guarantee for a better job or future. To cast a promising career, we need a lot more abilities which we can not learn from college. [写作内容] 1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2. 然后用120个词写一篇文章, 包括一下要点: 1)高校扩招的益处与问题 2)我对大学扩招的看法 2011年2月26日测验大作文 Increased College Enrollment The college enrollment has risen st
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