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新托福的写作形式是比较固定的,只要大家掌握了基本的写作方法就可以应对多种题材 的写作题目,这就是托福写作模板出现的原因。在托福写作中有几个基本的类型,小编根据 这几个类型为大家整理了托福写作模板,这是支持反对型的写作模板。 Do youagree ordisagree with thefollowing statement?AAA. (1) There is no need for me to put any emphasis on what the advantages of AAA are. ___________________.Many people believe that____________________. However,Idisagree withthe title statementbecauseIconsider___________________. On the other hand, one of the notorious disadvantages ofAAA is that_______________. The modern example of this is_____________________. So if this is prevalent, _______________.Another factorshowsthat__________________.So,asIsee it,_________. (2)Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments onboth sides.People whosupportAAA usually give some,even all of thefollowing reasons. Thefirstis that_______________________. Thesecondis that____________________________. Third,___________________________________. 功 Generally, people who attack AAA claim that ______________________. They also 成 oftensaythat therewill beproblems of____________________. 6 9 As far as I am concerned, I come to the notion that there are three main reasons why I 试 2 1 support AAA. Firstly, ___________________. Secondly, ______________. Furthermore, 考 2 __________________. 您 5 2 9 有了托福写作模板并不是万事大吉,大家需要在模板的骨架基础上添加内容,使之 祝 9 7 7 血肉丰满。用丰富的材料来填充托福写作模板才能撑起整篇文章。另外,托福写作模板不仅


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