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The Mysterious Island
原著: [ 法 ] Jules Veme
改写: [英 ] Jane Rollason
丛书主编: [英] Andy Hopkins
[ 英 ] Jocelyn Potter
(300 - 600 词)
,去冬民) ~.也!比vj〕
ηlf ballootl ωme down qUÎckly now and the g陀at waves tried to catch
them .
Then Cyrus Smithfe11 into the sea. Did hefa11 01 did hejump? To.扣
the do~, saw his mas的in the water andjumped ín after him.
There are four men , a boy and a dog in a ba lJoon over thc Pacific,
but only three men and the boy arrive on a strange island . WiU
they fìnd (丁yrus and 丁op again? Are there other peopl e on the
island? Why do strange things happen to them there ? And w i1l
they see their homes again ?
Jules Verne was born in Nantes , in the w est of France, in 1828.
The 1800s we比 a time of exciting ideas 一 people built trains,
balloons and submarines. When he was a young man ,Jules Verne
loved new ideas . There are a lot of them in his stories. He also
loved journeys round the world , and he loved the sea. When he
was a boy, he tried to run away to sea.
Jules Verne wrote Fie U告eks in a Balloon , his first book about
an exciting journey, ìn 1862. Everybody in France loved it and it
came out in EngJish in 1869. He then wrote other stories:]ourney
to the Centre of the Earth , From the Earth to the Moon (a journey of
97 hours and 20 núnutes!), 1i4.刷ty πlOusand Leagu盯 under the Sea
(about Captain Nemo and hi s submarine, Nautilus) and his most
famous book , Round the 协也rJd ín Eighty Days (also in Penguin
Readers). He wrote 1加 Mysterious lsland in