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ChaseDream PREP2008 语法笔记 原“新Prep 语法笔记” Version: 1.05 主编:aeoluseros (GMAT 语法区版主) 语法笔记编写组成员: binbin,babeequeen ,大龙(cdlxhmn) ,果汁软糖, j,狂奔的蜗牛,lovelacebaby,neko ,steven 大版,苏米拉提,魏小妞要出国,zanyingsan ChaseDream 论坛:/ Practice Test #1 Sentence Correction (171-258) 170. Margaret Mead, the best-known anthropologist of the twentieth century, helped shape public opinion on fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, along with the relative merits of competition and cooperation. A. shape public opinion on fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, along with B. shape public opinion in such fundamentally important areas as attitudes toward children and families and C. to shape public opinion about such fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, also about D. the shaping of public opinion for fundamentally important areas such as attitudes toward children and families, and those toward E. the shaping of public opinion around fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, and those of 题目释义:MM, …, helped shape opinion … in areas such as … and … 考点: 固定搭配(Idiom) 有效用词(Diction ) 1. 1. Help的用法:Help sb. (to) do; Help (to) do; Be helpful in (特别注意) 2. 列举用such … as A, B, … and C结构,不可以用like 代替。like在GMAT 中通常做介词表示―像…一样‖, 要求前后严格对称,但不可表示列举。 3. such as的两种形式:A such as B, such A as B such as的用法: such as + 具体名词(n1 and n2或doing n1 and doing n2; )表示举例 such as + noun/ doing/ what从句/介词短语 错误表达: such as + there/they/these 错 ,必须是具体的东西, 不能加代词 s


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