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8 3 ( ) Vol. 8No.3 20076 Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology Jun. 2007 : 1009-3443(2007)03-0254-07 ABAQUS 混凝土损伤塑性模型的静力性能分析 1 2 2 2 , ,, (1. , 210007;2. , 210007) : ABAQUS , , , , , ,, : ABAQUS;;; ;; : TU528.58 : A Investiga t ion int o sta tic prope rties of da maged pla st icity mode l for concre te in ABAQUS 1 2 2 2 F AN G Qin , H UAN Yi ,ZH AN G Ya -dong ,CH EN Li (1.Training Depart ent, PLA Univ. of Sci. Tech. , Nanjing 210007, China; 2.Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers, PLA Univ. of Sci. Tech., Nanjing 210007, China) Abstra ct : To evaluate the capacity of the da aged plasticity odel for concrete in the finite ele ent soft- ware ABAQUS to analyze the echanical properties of concrete aterial and structure, the odel was adopted to si ulate the echanical properties of the concrete under uniaxial and biaxial stress conditions, the flexural properties and shear strength of concrete structures. The nu erical results were co pared with the test data. The results show that the odel could si ulate the echanical properties of concrete aterial under uniaxial co pression uniaxial tension biaxial co pression andbiaxial tension conditions, , , and that the odel could reflect the failure envelope of concrete aterial under biaxial stress condition properly. The odel could predict the flexural and shear properties, aswell as the typical failure odes of concrete structures. However, the odel could not predict the echanical properties of concrete aterial under biaxial tension and co pression condition and the develop ent law of the volu etric strain of the, concrete. Key words : ABAQUS; da agedplasticity od


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