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( ) Fudan Univ J Med Sci 2005 Mar,32( 2) 147 Ezrin 孙琦蛮 樊 嘉 刘银坤 周 俭 余 耀 邱双健 吴志全 ( 200032) (ezrin) 41 2 9 , RTPCR ezrin MHCC97LMHCC97H LM3 3 ezrin ; MHCC97H ezrin , ezrin ( P 0.05) , ezrin ( P 0. 05) MHCC97LMHCC97H LM3 3 ezrin, MHCC97H ezrin Ezrin MHCC97LMHCC97HLM3 ,;Ezrin , ; ; ; ; R 735.7 EzrinExpressionof Hepatocellular Carcinoma andIts Relationship withAdhesion,InvasionandThrombosis in Portal Veinof Tumor SUN Qi an,FAN Jia, LIU Yinkun,ZHOU Jian, YU Yao,QIU Shuangjian,WU Zhiquan ( L iv er Cancer Institut of Zhongshan Hosp ital, Fudan Univ ersity, Shanghai 200032, China) Abstract Purpose To investigate e brane cytoskeleton crosslinker protein ezrin expression in hepato cellular carcino a(HCC) and itsrelationship with adhesion,invasion and portal vein thro bosisof tu or. ethods Fortyone HCC speci ensand 9 benign speci en were involved in this study.The41HCC speci enswere divided into high invasive ability group and low invasive ability group according to tu or size, daughter nodule, distant etastasis,envelope and portal vein tu or thro bosis.Ezrin was detected by RT PCR and i unohistoche istry in these resection speci ens and three HCC cell lines: MHCC97L MHCC97H and LM3.Antisense oligonucleotide of ezrin was transfected by liposo es into MHCC97H and its adhesive and invasive ability was co pared with nor al MHCC97H cells. Results Higher levels of ezrin RNA and protein were showed in the HCC with high invasive ability than in thosewith low invasive ability(P 0.05) ,with the highest expression of ezrin RNA and protein in portal vein tu or thro bosis tissue (P 0. 05) . Ezrin expression was all showed in the three HCC cell lines and the expression levels


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