计算机专业英语电子教案-孙建忠 第8章.ppt

计算机专业英语电子教案-孙建忠 第8章.ppt

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Computer English Chapter 8 The Internet: Technology Background 8.2.6 WHO GOVERNS THE INTERNET? The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which forecasts the next step in the growth of the Internet, keeping watch over its evolution and operation. The Internet Society (ISOC), which is a consortium of corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations that monitors Internet policies and practices. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which sets HTML and other programming standards for the Web. 因特网工程任务组(IETF)预测因特网成长的下一步,监视它的进化和运行。 因特网协会(ISOC)是一个公司、政府机关以及监测因特网政策与实践的非营利性组织的联盟。 万维网联合会(W3C)为万维网设定HTML和其他编程标准。 8.2.6 WHO GOVERNS THE INTERNET? While none of these organizations has actual control over the Internet and how it functions, they can and do influence government agencies, major network owners, ISPs, corporations, and software developers with the goal of keeping the Internet operating as efficiently as possible. 尽管这些组织中没有一个能真正控制因特网及其如何运行,他们可以就保持因特网尽可能高效运行的目标影响政府机关、主要网络拥有者、公司、因特网服务提供商和软件开发者。 8.2.6 WHO GOVERNS THE INTERNET? In addition to these professional bodies, the Internet must also conform to the laws of the sovereign nation-states in which it operates, as well as the technical infrastructures that exist within the nation-state. Although in the early years of the Internet and the Web there was very little legislative or executive interference, this situation will change in the near future as the Internet plays a growing role in the distribution of information and knowledge, including content that some find objectionable 除了这些专业团体,因特网还必须符合所在的主权民族国家的法律,和这个民族国家存在的技术基础。虽然因特网和万维网在早年很少受到司法与或行政干涉,这种情形在不久的将来就会改变,因为因特网在传播信息和知识方面扮演越来越重要的角色,包括一些有人反对的内容。 New Words Expressions congestion n.阻塞 appreciate vt. 领会,鉴赏, 感激,察觉 circuitous adj.迂回线路的 latency n.等待时间 streaming adj.流型的; n.流 synchronous adj.同时的, 同步的 jerkiness n.不平稳,颠簸 tag n. 标志,特征,标记[识];标识符 multicasting 多信道广播 diffserve 区别质量的服务 videoconference n.视频会议 Abbreviations AOL (American On-Line) 美国在线


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