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49  20       Vol.49 No.20 2013  10  JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Oct. 2 0 1 3 DOI 10.3901/JME.2013.20.084   *    (    100072)      !#$% ()* +,-./0 123456! 789:;= ?@ABCD; =EFG HI! JKL=MN OPQR ;/ST=UVWX;= CDYZ[\]^_.`Habcde fgWABhE_.ijklmn foYZdpq=URMNdprdpbc stuvwKLqST=xyQ/URMNdpW 34z{|}~;]^xyURMNYZ=CD- E€u-./0;=C DYZ ‚ƒu ; =CD YZ[\  TG156 States and Prospects of China Characterised Quality Guarantee Technology System for Remanufactured Parts XU Binshi DONG Shiyun SHI Peijing (National Key Laboratory for Remanufacturing, Academy of Armored Forces Engineering, Beijing 100072) Abstract „Remanufacturing has become an effective way to develop the resource-saving and environment-friendly society, which can provide the needed products for economy development while saving resources and energy. The China characterises remanufacturing mode was stated. With consideration of the remanufactured products and the production procedures, the principle factors affecting the remanufactured product quality are analyzed. It is pointed out that the three procedures, such as core assessing, production process inspecting and remanufactured products or coatings assessing, should be strictly controlled to guarantee quality of the remanufactured products. It puts forward the China characterized remanufactured product quality guarantee technology system, then it introduces the non-destructive testing and inspecting technology for the core and remanufactured coating quality control and their app


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