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Sep. 2008 24 (5) 538~ 542 ( Chinese Journal of Neuroanatom y) iTRAQ * 潘三强 宿宝贵 吕来清 ( , 510632 ) iTRAQ , 1~ 3 d C57Bl/6, DM SO, JNJ460 Ti RAQ , 4700 TOF/TOF, G SM ascot, 4, 2, 2 Ti RAQ 22 , 10, 3, 2, 2, 2 3 , Ti RAQ , , 2, iTRAQ 1. 3 1. 6, Ti RAQ Ti RAQ , , iTRAQ iTRAQ A comparati e study between the two dimensional gel electrophoresis and iTRAQ method P an S anq iang, S u B aogui, L L a iqing (D epartm ent of Anatomy, M edical Co llege of JinanUniversity, Guangzhou 510632) Abstract The present study prov ided a reference for the neuroproteom ics study through comparison betw een the two dmi ensionalgel elec trophoresis ( 2DE) and isobaric tags for relative and abso lute quantification ( Ti RAQ) m ethod. The dorsal root gang lia (DRG) w ere cul tured from 1 to 3 d postnatalC57Bl/6 m ice. The DRG s in control group w ere incubatedw ith DM SO, and those in the expermi ental group w ere incubated w ith JN J460. The peptide m asses of changed prote ins w ere ana lyzed by 4700 m atrix assisted laser desorption/ ionization coupled to a dual tmi eofflight ( TOF/TOF) mass spectrom etry, and them ass spectrom etric dataw ere used to identify the proteins through the general proteom ics standard (G S) search andMascot database. Four proteinsw ere found to be upregulated by 2DE. Tw o of them w ere structural proteins, and the othersw ere signaling proteins. 22 proteins w ere detected to be upregulated from Ti RAQ. These proteins included 10 structural proteins


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