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254 2006 3 2 3 Chin J Lab Med, M arch 2006, Vol 2 , No3 尹国才 栾佐 胡晓红 屈素青 张晓鸥 卜笑松 钱阳明 ( hNSC) , hNSC , + + N 2 , ( Nestin) 6 d, PKH 26 14 d , 12 PKH 26( 4) ( 4) ( 4 ), 4714 , , ( - hNuc) (An t-i hNF) PKH 26 PKH 26, 5% , , , Anti-hNuc PKH 26 : hNSC, 4 d , , , -hNF: , PKH 26 hNSC An ti-hNuc , -hNF hNSC , , , ; Exploration of tracing and detecting xenografts derived from hum an neura l stem cells YIN Guo- cai, LUAN Z uo, H U X iao-hong, Q U Su-q ing, ZH AN G X iao-ou, B U X iao-song, Q ian Yang-m ing D ep artm ent o P ed iatrics , the N avy GeneralH osp ita,l B eij ing 100037, Ch ina Abstract Objective To find out good m ethods of tracing or detecting grafts derived from transp lanted human neural stem cells ( hNSC) in an mi al brains, to investigate the fate of the transp lanted hum an neural stem cells, to supp ly some data on therapy for neonatal hypoxic-ischem ic brain injury by use of neural stem cellsM ethods N m edium contain ing EGF+ FGF + LIF was used to culture the NSC spheres 2 2 from the forebrain tissues of aborted hum an fetusThe hNSC w ere iden tified through detecting the NSC m arker Nestin an tigen and show ing the potency to d ifferen tiate into neural cells ( includ ing astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and neurons) by use of ind irect mi muno-fluorescence assay ( IFA ) hNSC clusters in-vitro cu ltured for 6 days w ere labeled w ith PKH 26, the labeled hNSC w ere traced in the continued culture and d ifferen tiation inductionThe hNSC in-vitro cultured for 14 daysw ere transplanted into the lateral ventricles of the newborn rat brains w ith hypoxic-ischem ic inju ry Tw elve young rats w ere divided into 3 groups: PKH 26 tracing group ( 4 rats), mi m uno-response detection group (


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