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20 10 42 11 11
1, 2 1* 1 1 1*
四朗玉珍 , 赵宝玉 , 冯苗苗, 王占新, 童德文
( 1. , 712100;
2. , 850009)
: ,
; 5 000 g 3120 g, ,
, 05 g, 54 g, 520 g,
, ; , 9,
11, 4,
: ; ;
: S8598 : A : 20 10)
System atic preexperim en t on chem ical com position of
Oxy rop is g lacia lis and alkaloid s analy se
1, 2 1* 1 1 1*
Silang Yuzhen , ZHAO Baou , FENG M iaom iao , WANG Zhanx ing , TONG Dew en
( 1. College of Veterinar M edicine, Northw estern A F Un iversit , Yangling 712100, Ch ina;
2. Institute ofAn mi al Sciences, T ibetA cadem ofAgricu ltural Sciences, Lhasa 850009, Ch ina)
Abs tract: The chem ical components of Oxy rop is g lac ialis were determ ined b using ph tochem istr com position prelmi inar s stem atic
test, alkaloids s stem atic extract method and TLC in the present stud . The results show ed thatOxyrop is g lac ialis contained alkaloid, am ine
acid and protein, organ ic acid, phenols and tann in, pol saccharide, gl coside, sapon in, sterides, coumarin, T erpenes and Anthraquinones,
but no essential oi,l flavone, c anogenetic gl coside, or aliphatic n itro compound. Plant m aterials ( 5 000 g) w as extracted b industrial al
cohol through hot reflux and total extract ( 3120 g) w as obtained after recovering the solvent. The extractum w as dissolved in acid and adjus
ted to alkalinit , and then extracted b chloroform, acetic ether and nbu tanol b turns. Three extracted fractions w ere concentrated to dr
ness, obtained extractum 05 g, 54 g, 520 g, and it ind ica