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Introduction to Polymer Physics Reference Books 高分子物理,何曼君等,复旦大学出版社,(第三版), 2006年 An introduction to polymer physics(英文影印版),David I. Bower, 化学工业出版社,2004年 Polymer Science and Technology, Joel R. Fried, 2nd Edition, 2003 高分子物理,金日光,华幼卿主编,化学工业出版社,(第三版),2007年 Chapter 1. Introduction to Polymer Science Reasons for developing synthetic polymers One was the need in the inter-war years to find replacements for natural materials such as rubber, which was in short supply. A second reason was that there was by then an understanding of the nature of these materials. In 1910, Pickles had suggested that rubber was made up of long chain molecules, contrary to the more generally accepted theory that it consisted of aggregates of small ring molecules. During the early 1920s, Staudinger reformulated the theory of chain molecules and introduced the word Makromolekül into the scientific literature in 1922. This idea was at first ridiculed, but at an important scientific meeting in Düsseldorf in 1926, Staudinger presented results, including his determinations of molar masses, which led to the gradual acceptance of the idea over next few years. Other reasons for the accelerated development were the fact a new source of raw material, oil, was becoming readily available and the fact that great advances had been made in processing machinery, in particular extruders and injection moulders. Milestones for Developing Polymers 1920s, Staudinger, the word “Makromolekül”, and determination of molar masses of polymers 1942, Paul Flory and Maurice Huggins, Lattice theory for thermodynamics of dilute solution of polymers 1950s, K. Ziegler and G. Natta, coordination polymerization for polyethylene and polypropylene. 1970s, Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, and Hideki Shirakawa, conductive polymers, “fourth generation of polymeric materials” 1.2 Primary Structure of Polymer 1.3 Secondary Structure of Polymer Chain Molecular weight of polymer Usaully using Number-averaged Molecular Weight A typical sy


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