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跨国公司眼中最具投资价值的中国城市 The Chinese Cities with the Most Investment Potential in the Eyes of Multinational Corporations 案例:一个城市、一个产业 Case Study: 1 City + 1 Industry 傅志山 Fu Chi-Shan 2007年6月15日 大背景:中国工业化发展阶段 Background: Chinas Industrial Process 项目缘起 目前中国是世界最具吸引力的投资地之一,但由于中国幅员辽阔,地区间差异较大,因而中国不同区域投资环境有较大的差异。 为了帮助跨国公司更好的选择投资地点,也为了帮助中国的各城市更好的改善投资环境,由金碚教授主持,中国社会科学院产业与企业竞争力研究中心联合《中国经济学人》杂志 ,与《中营传媒》共同开展了“跨国公司眼中最具投资价值的城市”研究 。 Genesis China is the one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world today.  But due to China’s expanse of territories and regional disparities, different regions vary greatly in terms of attraction to foreign investment.   For better, helping the Multinational Corporations to select the investment location, as well as to help Chinese cities to further improve investment climate, Professor Jin Bei lead the “Industries Enterprises Competitiveness Research Center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences”, “China Economist” magazine, and “China Business Media” have jointly launched a study on “The Chinese Cities with the Most Investment Potential in the Eyes of Multinational Corporations” 研究分三部分及测度三个因素 第一部分是中国各城市对跨国公司的投资吸引力的研究; 第二部分是中国国家级开发区对跨国公司的投资吸引力的研究; 第三部分是跨国公司问卷调查。 Research in 3 parts 3 Dimensions 1 part is research on the Investment Attraction of each Chinese City on multinational corporations; 2 part is research on the Investment Attraction of China’s national Development Zones on multinational corporations; 3 part is conclusions drawn from Questionnaires to multinational corporations. 城市吸引力的计算方法 我们首先将被监测城市的每一指标进行标准化处理,指标的原始数据经过标准化处理后称为”指标标准值”。各”指标标准值”与”指标权重”相乘后可以直接相加,从而得出”综合吸引力的标准值”。 Calculation Method First of all, we standardize every original indicator of a monitored city into a ”standard value”. Multiply the standard value of each indicator by ”indicator weight”, add up each result to calculate the ”standard value of comprehensive attraction”. 最具吸引力城市产生办法 第一步,综合吸引力前50强首选成为入选城市; 第二步,在第一步中没有入选城市中绝对吸引力前50强的城市成为入选城市; 第三步,将


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