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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 基于安卓平台的飞机大战游戏 学 院: 计算机科学学院 专业班级: 计算机科学与技术10级2班 指导教师: 黄国兵 职称:高级工程师 学生姓名: 赵兵 学 号: 41009010216 摘 要 自从第一台计算机研发以来,计算机行业得到了迅速的发展,成就了很多优秀的企业,例如国外的IBM,微软,GOOGLE,ARM,苹果等,国内的腾讯,阿里巴巴,百度等,而引领计算机行业的主要因素除了硬件的支撑外,就数操作系统了,而操作系统从Dos,UNIX,LINUX Windows等PC端正在逐渐向移动端转变如:从Linux到Android;从Unix到IOS;从Windows到Windows phone,主要还是因为移动端的便携性,轻巧性深受人们的喜爱,就在这样的移动互联网浪潮中,Android系统更是高达移动端操作系统80%的占有率,真可谓前景无限,而在Android平台的应用中游戏业务又占着最大的比例,所以本次选题为基于Android的飞机大战游戏,其主要目的研究移动互联网的发展趋势,对其未来的发展有深刻清晰的认识。 本论文主要阐述以面向对象的程序开发语言Java及Eclipse为开发工具,而基于智能手机Android系统之上的飞机大战游戏。首先简要介绍课题的研究背景、目的及意义,Android的发展历程、当前国内外的发展现状。然后介绍了Android平台开发环境及环境搭建,最后讲述了基于Android飞机大战游戏功能的实现。其功能模块如下:提供敌机的类模块,提供子弹的类模块,主界面模块,天空背景模块,检测子弹与敌机碰撞模块,检测,敌机与我拥有的战机碰撞木块等,除此以外还为用户提供更加人性化的设计和方便人员的操作流程。由于Android逐渐成为智能手机技术的主导,相信其基于Android的飞机大战游戏将会受到更大的欢迎。 关键字: 安卓,游戏,飞行射击,飞机 ABSTRACT Since the first computer researched and development , the computer industry has been rapid development , that made a lot of excellent enterprise , such as : IBM , Microsoft , Google , ARM , Apple inc In a foreign country ; Tencent , Alibaba Group , Baidu In the domestic . Led by the computer industry in addition to hardware support, the main factors for operating system . And the operating system from Dos, UNIX, LINUX, Windows PC correct is gradually to mobile terminal such as: LINUX - Android. Unix - IOS; Windows - Windows phone, mostly because the mobile end portability, and was deeply loved by people, in this kind of mobile Internet, in the tide of the Android system is as high as 80% of mobile terminal operating system share, really unlimited prospects, and in the application of the Android platform game business accounts for the largest proportion, so this topic is based on the Android plane war game, the development trend of mobile Internet, the main objective for its future development are clear understanding. This thesis mainly expounds Java with object oriented programming lan


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