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Unit 1 Card A asking for pocket money from our parents (Negative) 父母也曾经是孩子,他们知道孩子需要什么,能够满足孩子的各方面需求。 Parents once was children, they know what children need , and can satisfy the childrens demand of all aspects 防止孩子养成乱花钱的坏毛病,孩子没有那种花钱的意识,一般是给多少用多少。 To prevent children from abusing money, they don’t have money conscience and would spend all money they get. 父母赚钱不容易,不仅要维持家庭生活,还要为孩子的教育做准备经费。 Parents’ money doesn’t come easily. They have to not only maintain family life, but also prepare for their childrens education funds. 事实证明,零花钱已经导致了上网、攀比等社会问题。 It turns out that pocket money has led to Minors Internet、compare with the higher and other social problems. Unit 3 Giving first priority to education in choose a spouse(Negative) 1) 教育程度只能代表在学校度过的时间,不能证明你有多么强大。 Level of education is only able to represent how much time you have spent in school but doesn’t prove how strong you are. 学术背景并不意味着好的技术硬件。 Academic background doesn’t mean that you have technology hardware. 不是每个人都能接受到高等教育,他们照样生活得很好。 Not everyone can receive higher education, they still life very well. 接受过高等教育可能会导致在某一问题上出现严重分歧,甚至争吵不休,因为他们都坚持自己是对的。 Received higher education may cause certain problems when they have different opinions on one thing, because they all insisted that he was right. Unit 4 Feeling stressed during the final exam is bad (Positive) 1) 考前太有压力不好,应该放松点,别紧张,让头脑脉络清晰,迎接考试。 When the final exam is nearby, it’s not very good to be so stressful, just take it easy, and make the brain clear and you can do your best. 2) 如果考生太有压力,会使得看见这一情况的父母也很有压力,他们会为自己担心,这是没有必要的。 If the students feel stressed, it will make their parents also very stressful, which is not necessary. 3) 我们应当充满信心,有克服一切困难的勇气,有压力是示弱的表现。 We should be full of confidence, and have the courage to overcome all difficulties. Feeling stressful is showing weakness. 4) 有压力说明对考试的把握不大,如果把压力放在平时的准备上,就不会出现这样的情况了。 Feeling stressful means don’t have much confidence in the final exam. If put the pressure on the usual preparation, the situation won’t appear. Unit 5


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