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Pharmacology 药理学 General Principles Chapter 1. Introduction 绪论 About pharmacology Chapter 2. Pharmacokinetics 药物代谢动力学 What the body does to a drug Chapter 3. Pharmacodynamics 药物效应动力学 What a drug does to the body Chapter 4. Factors affecting drug efficacy 影响药物效应的因素 How to use a drug rationally Chapter 1. Introduction 一、药理学的性质与任务 The characteristics and mission What is pharmacology?  The word pharmacology derives from the Greek word for drug, pharmakon. Pharmacology is the medical science that studies the nature and the properties of drugs, as well as the interactions between drugs and the body Drugs 药物 A drug is a chemical substance that can modulate the current physiological status of a biological system. is defined as a chemical which is utilized for the diagnosis, prevention and cure of an unwanted health condition (definition by FDA) 影响细胞生物学过程,用于诊断、预防、治疗 疾病的物质 Source of drugs 药物的来源 Ancient :1 Natural products (Plants, Animals and Minerals) Modern:1 Active principles of natural products 1 Artificial Synthetics  天然药物 (Natural Medicine) Traditional Chinese Medicine Western Medicine 化学药物 (Chemical Medicine) 抗生素类 (Antibiotics) 生物制品 (Biological Products) 植物药—银杏 植物药—人参 植物药—金银花、当归 矿物药—雄黄、琥珀 动物药 蝎子 穿山甲 蜈蚣 天然药物—植物中提取的单一成分 阿托品 天然药物—植物中提取的单一成分 青 蒿 素 天然药物—植物中提取的单一成分 士的宁 天然药物


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