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Collecting and analyzing textual data in foreign language education research Xu Jiajin Beijing Foreign Studies University 外语教育研究中文本材料的采集与分析 许家金 北京外国语大学 Textual data in EFL context Texts for learning LESS INTERESTED Texts from teaching FAIRLY GOOD Textual data in EFL context Texts for learning LESS INTERESTED Texts from teaching FAIRLY GOOD General goal for text analysis Looking for common patterns Some patterns accessible, others less so Descriptive stats vs inferential stats Reducing large data to a generalized pattern of a reasonable readable form Factor analysis, SEM, qualitative conceptualization Textual data in EFL context Texts for learning LESS INTERESTED Texts from teaching FAIRLY GOOD Learner texts Essays Exam type, timed, untimed CLEC, SWECCL 1.0/2.0, CEM Transcribed spoken English Exam data COLSEC, SWECCL 1.0/2.0 Translated texts PACCEL, CEM, (CEO, Honglongmeng) Learner texts: A new direction Longitudinal learner texts Longdale project by Sylviane Granger http://cecl.fltr.ucl.ac.be/LONGDALE.html Aspects of learner text studies Lexico-grammatical features Article/intensifier Collocation Phraseology [e.g. chunk] Less on syntax [e.g. RC, colligation] Less on discourse-pragmatic features Content analysis e.g. education Colligation Results Out of the 52 II APPGE NN1 Chinese learners used 38 times of in my opinion 5 in our society/4 in our country 3 in my view 2 to our nation/2 to our society The top tag sequence in native speakers’ texts 275 AT NN1 IO AT 67 the end of the Chinese Students’ View on Education The results show that Chinese students see education, not quite out of expectation, as an important activity in “classrooms” (or “schools” and “colleges”), to “learn knowledge” and “skills” through “books” to finally get a “job”. So in their eyes, to be “educated” is to be “knowledgeable”. Only less students are far-seeing enough to consider “careers” and self-“cultivation”, self-“development” and “fulfilment”. Thus it is, to some extent, iro


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