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家庭生活篇 一说到家庭,肯定是由人和住所所构成,由感情和责任所牵引。这个不废话了,在这样一个定义域里,我们能联想多少个可能的线索你。以下为我的浮翩乱想(基本按照亲身经历+普世价值的思路) 家庭意味着什么? 幸福的 -- happy I will never have to worry about the issues?of food and clothing no matter what I want to pursue, they always financially as well as spiritually support me they always share their life experience with me they alwyas provide me with the best growing environment even they have troubles or encounter adversity, they always wear a warm smile on their face. Never let me worry about their personal affairs 温暖的 -- warm whenever I feel frustrated, they always give?me a lot of?words of encouragement; I always obtain physical as well as spiritual support and encouragement from my parents; they always give priority to concern about what I need; 宽容的-- tolerant be tolerant of my faults; always give me a chance to correct the mistakes I make; I have never gotten a scolding (挨骂) from my parents; they never feel disappointed with my poor performance in study; there are no mistakes in the world, but only lessons; to their minds, the more mistakes I make, the more progress I will achieve··· 相互理解和尊重的 -- mutual understanding and respect we always treat each other in a respectful way sometimes we may have a divergence of views in some typical issues, but this is not going to preventing us from drawing on collective wisdom and absorbing all useful ideas from each other although there is a generation gap between my parents and I, we still enjoy a harmonious family atmosphere 舒适的 -- comfortable I always enjoy the peaceful environment when back home from work or study although my bedroom is not decorated with luxious ornament, it is always full of my happy memory It is a place where I can forget about all the troubles I have and get rid of any annoying things 以上就是我对对于“家庭”的联想,其实还有很多,我就不一一列举了。 平时在我们准备雅思口语的时候,我觉得吧,应该多做这样的联想,从一两个单词开始,尝试用英语去说明它的具体意义,尝试结合自己的亲身经历去描述一个深刻的内容。为什么要这样做呢?为的就是当我们在考试中遇到卡壳的时候,能够马上调动一两句“平时已经有深刻体会的、看起来common sense的、 却又无懈可击”的话,尽可能让自己在夹缝中有充分


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