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FMEA A0 3 3 48 48 48 4 96 5 64 64 PQC用通止规抽检 PQC check with Pin gauge 出货时OQC对产品进行确认 OQCcheck the part before delivery. 粗糙度超差 roughness of the flat out of dimension. 影响客户使用affect customer using 影响客户使用affect customer using 砂轮硬度以及颗粒度不适合。 Non-conforming of the hardness and particle grinding wheel. 选择合适的砂轮并将砂轮规格写入操作指导书 Choose conforming grinding wheel and write it into WI 生产前,QC和操作工检查砂轮的规格。QC and operators check the Spec. of the grinding wheel. out of dimension. 影响客户使用affect customer using 34.5MAX 尺寸超差。 34.5MAX out of dimension 磨削不到位 no enough grinding 1. 现场放置包装指导书,并且要求操作工严格按照包装指导书包装。 1. Set the PI site and ask the operators follow it after stamping. QC对每盘的零件平面度进行抽检 PQC check the some samples of every plate. QC对每盘的零件进行抽检 PQC check the some samples of every plate. 3+/-0.15尺寸超差 3+/-0.15 out of dimension 车削不到位 more or no enough grinding 7+/-0.3尺寸超差 7+/-0.3 out of dimension out of dimension 1. 磨床磁力过大 2. 磨床工作台有异物 1. Bigger magnetic force of the grinding machine 2. Un-clearn of the working flat. 磨床工作台有异物 Un-clearn of the working flat. 1. 加工特殊的磨削夹具以减小磁力。 2. 磨削前用切削液洗刷工作台面。 1. Machining special grinding gauge to reduce the magnetic force. 2. Clearn the working flat before production. 磨削前用切削液洗刷工作台面。 Clearn the working flat before production. 外协清洗 clean outsource 零件表面未清洗干净 unclean of the part 零件表面有碰伤 dent in the surface of the part 供应商对零件表面清洁度要求不明确 unknown of the supplier to the cleaness requiremnent. 采购发图纸给供应商 Purchase publish the drawing to supplier 每批来料QC对清洁度进行检测。 QC check the part cleaness of every lot. 包装不合理 non-conforming packaging 与供应商沟通,制订合理包装方式。 Communicate with supplier and make right PI. 每批来料QC对外观和包装进行检测。 QC check the part appearance and packaging of every lot. 移至包装区 Move package area 包装全检 100% sorting and packaging 零件外观项目检查有误 appearance sorting error 操作工对外观要求不明确 unknown of the operator to the appearance requirement. 1. 现场放置全检指导书,并且要求操作工严格按照全检指导书全检。 1. Set the Inspection Instruction site and ask the operators follow it. 1. 现场放置包装指导书,并且要求操作工严格按照包装指导书包装。 1. Set the P


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