解析GB 52966-2004《消费品使用说明 第6部分:家具.ppt

解析GB 52966-2004《消费品使用说明 第6部分:家具.ppt

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解析GB 5296.6-2004《消费品使用说明 第6部分:家具》国家强制性标准 Analyzing National Mandatory Standard GB 5296.6-2004 “Instructions for Use of Consumer Goods Part 6: Furniture” 1、概述 Outline 标准的性质及内容:GB 5296.6-2004《消费品使用说明 第6部分:家具》国家强制性标准,规定了编制各类家具使用说明的基本要求(包括主要内容),使用说明提供的位置、方式和形式,以及编写方面的要求(如文字、表述、文本等)。 The character and content of the standard: The basic requirements (including main content) for the instructions for use of various types of furniture, the location, manner and form which mentioned in the instructions for use , and the formulation requirement (such as words, presentation, text, etc.) are specified in the standard of GB 5296.6-2004 “instructions for use of consumer goods Part 6: furniture” . 1、概述 Outline 标准的起草、归口单位:该标准于2003年由中国标准化研究院、全国家具标准化中心、中国消费者协会、美克国际家具有限公司共同起草制定,由中国标准化研究院归口管理。 The department of the drafting and the jurisdiction of the standard: The standard was jointly drafted by the China National Institute of Standardization, the National Furniture Standardization Center, the China Consumers’ Association, Meike International Furniture Co., Ltd. in 2003. This national standard is under the jurisdiction of the China National Institute of Standardization. 1、概述 Outline 标准的发布、实施规定:该标准于2004年01月16日由国家质检总局、国家标准化管理委员会联合批准发布,2004年10月01日实施,并规定2004年10月1日前生产的产品实施过渡期一年,至2005年10月1日起在中国市场上所有销售的家具产品应有使用说明。 The specification of the issue and the implementation: The standard was jointly issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, the Standardization Administration in Jan.16 ,2004, implemented in Oct.1 ,2004, and specified one year of transitional period for the implementation of products produced before Oct.1 ,2004. That means all the furniture products sales in Chinese market should have the instructions for use. 1、概述 Outline 标准实施目标:使广大消费者购买、使用家具产品时,了解家具的用材情况、使用环境要求、执行标准、质量安全、安装调节、维护保养方式、生产日期、生产者信息等等。是为了保障民生、明白消费、防止欺诈的重要国家强制性标准。 The goal of the implementation of the standard: The implementation of this standard enable consumers to know a lot of information


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