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4 7 环境 工程 学报 Vol. 4, No. 7
2 0 1 0 7 Chinese Journal ofEnvironmentalEngineering Jul. 2 0 1 0
胡 舸 彭 帅 张胜涛
(, 400030)
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X53 A 2010
R esearch on num erical sim u lation for tran sm ission of con tam inan ts in soil
Hu Ge Peng Shuai Zhang Shengtao
(College ofChem istry and Chem icalEngineering, ChongqingUniversity, Chongqing 400044, China)
Abs tract In the soilenvironment, thematerial transmissionmechanism significantly affectsthemigration of
pollutants. Through analyzing the numericalsolutionsof theproblem ofpollutantmigration, the tmi espace law of
the transmission oforganic pollutants in soil can bemastered, which has both theoretical and practical signifi
cance. Based on the convectiondiffusion theory, the generalmathematicalmodelof themigration of pollutant in
soilwas established; and then the convectiondiffusion questions in various specified initial and boundary condi
tionswerenumerically smi ulated usingCO SOL software. Three typicalmodelsofpollution sources emissionwere
calculated, which include stably continuous, index change, instantaneous release. The influences of various pa
rameters inmodelon calculation resultswere compared, such as diffusion, convection, adsorption and degrada
tionparameters. Finally, a correlation analysis and discussionwasmade on calculation results of thepollutantcon
centration distribution.
K ey w ord s convectiondiffusion equation; pollutants; concentration distribution; numericalsmi ulation
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