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基于校园网的教师电子文档管理系统 摘要 随着计算机网络的发展和普及,校园网正在悄然兴起,建设“数字化校园”是高校信息化的必然趋势,已得到许多高校的充分关注和重视。现在,随着办公自动化和电子政务的逐步推广,高校文书与档案工作长期实行分块管理的模式已不适应数字化校园的需要。因此,尽快实现文档一体化管理,是长期从事文件管理和档案管理工作者的义不容辞的责任。教师信息的数字化是数字化校园的一个重要内容,而教师的电子文档,如发表论文、课件、科技专著等的文档是教师数据重要的组成部分。本系统运用JSP技术实现,以MySQL作为后台数据库服务器,网络服务器用Tocmcat6.0,前台开发工具使用Macromedia Dreamweaver 8。本系统功能主要包括教师登录、教师文档发布、文档信息的查询、部分文档下载等功能;并且实现了教师电子文档管理系统的后台管理,它包括教师管理、教师文档的添加、删除的处理、系统维护等功能。很大程度上减轻了维护人员的劳动强度,提高了工作效率与管理水平。本文介绍了教师电子文档管理系统的开发背景、设计目标和开发方法,还介绍了系统的需求分析,概要设计和系统的详细设计。 关键词:校园网;电子文档;管理系统 The Teacher Electronic Document Management System Based on The Campus Network Abstract With the development of computer networks, popularity of the campus network quietly rised, building a digital campus is the universitys informatization inevitable trend, and many colleges and universities have pay more attention and concern. Today, with office automation and electronic government affairs gradually spreaded, the long-term block management model of college writ and archival work has not adopt the needs of digital campus. Therefore, achieving integration of document management as soon as possible, that is engaged in document management and file management workers unshirkable responsibility. The digitization of teacher information is an important content of digitized campus, and electronic documents of teacher, such as paper published, courseware, technology book and so on are the teacher important data composition. The system applies JSP technology, uses MySQL as the backstage database server, Tocmcat6.0 as network servers, and Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 as development tool of frontstage. This system function mainly includes teacher registering, teacher document publishing, document information inquiring, and downloading; and realizes teacher electronic document management backstage management, which includes management of teacher, teacher document added, deleted, system maintenance and so on. It great decreases the labor of maintenance staff and raises the efficien


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