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关于营养与健康、亚健康及长寿关系的研究 作者 黎黍匀 古秋娥 广西亚健康科学技术研究会 制作: 目录 1 营养决定健康 2 营养决定亚健康恢复 3 营养决定长寿达成 Study on The Relationship Between Nutrition and Health, Sub-health and Longevity, LI shu-yun,GU qiu-e.( The Guangxi subhealth Science and Technology Research Association,530022,China) Abstract: The purpose of this paper is the concept of the different states of health(health, sub-health, longevity) principle of prevention and control of the analysis, Systematically studing the different state of the relationship between nutrition and clearing relationship between nutrition and health. Nutrition and health research, including the relationship between the impact of the field of physiological, psychological, social resilience; Nutrition and sub-health research, including the sub-healthy nutrition means of prevention, the contents of the sub-health auxiliary treatment; Nutrition and longevity research, including the definition of the physical characteristics of the longevity crowd, longevity diet characteristics of the population, the disease status of the longevity population, longevity and nutrition positive relations aspects of longevity. Systems analysis to understand the relationship between nutrition and physical state of understanding of the relationship between nutrition and health, nutrition means conducive to the use of different physical effective intervention, and prevention of disease. Keywords: Nutrition; Health status; Subhealth; Longevity; Relationship 序 目的 营养与健康、营养与亚健康、营养与长寿的关系,成为预防疾病,维护人体健康的核心关系。 营养本身就是人为通过饮食、食品形式、营养增补手段等方式达到干预健康的过程;营养方式包括了饮食、加工食品、特殊食品、保健食品、营养增补剂等方面。 通过对健康、亚健康、长寿三种典型的体质“未病”状态与营养的关系分析,对于健康维护有重要的意义。 1.营养与健康的关系 关于营养与健康状态的研究,目前研究尚未多见。主要研究仍然集中在健康的概念定义描述方面,以及未病状态的体质表现上;至于原理的揭示尚有待进一步的研究。 1.1健康概念 根据WHO《宪章》描述:健康不仅仅是没有疾病和虚弱,而且是躯体上、心理上和社会适应能力的完善状态[2]。此外,WHO还对健康的细节通过心理、体形、体表、思维、道德等方面提出了14条标准,比较详细地描述了人体处于健康状态下的表现。 1.2营养对健康的描述 营养对健康的描述倾向于微观的物质状态分析。处于健康状态的体质,其正常的摄取量和正常的元素分布,具有一定稳定的数值。 营养学认为健康的身体可以从六大营养素的状态来确定。这些元素在人体当中一般有相对稳定的数值。如下表示: 表1 人体六大营养素分布的比例平均值 1.3 营养摄


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