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低钾合并低镁致室性心律失常28例心电图分析 王 婕李鸿林 靖远煤业有限责任公司职工总医院 急诊科(730913) Potassium ion and?magnesium ions?are basic ion cells。Normal potassium ion?and magnesium ion levels?are life ions?to maintainthe electrical activity of the heart.?All the electrophysiological properties of myocardial cell?become?abnormal?under?low potassium?and?low magnesium?situation, and?ventricular fibrillation threshold decreases,?which?can?lead to the occurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmia and seriously endanger the lives of patients?through?trigger?the automaticity, reentry?mechanism?.Such mechanisms as trigger, reentry, and Automaticity enhancement lead to the occurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmia which endanger patient. Potassium ion and magnesium ion is a basic ion of normal electrophysiological activity. Therefore to maintain a steady and adequate potassium ion and magnesium ion levels is very important which can prevent the occurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmia in a certain extent. When physicians in use antiarrhythmic drugs, they can not ignore the potassium ion and magnesium ion in the occurrence of arrhythmia and the therapeutic effect. If in the course of treatment, do not pay attention to the potassium ion and magnesium ion, which can lead to arrhythmia aggravation or induce arrhythmia.with hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia Patients’ ECG is easy to be changed. the results show that early in the laboratory and in the clinic has been widely applied。 1.资料与方法 1.1全部病例均为我院五年门急诊及住院病人,27例为住院病人,男性21人,女性7人;年龄20~79岁,平均43.6岁。正常血钾标准:3.5~5.5mmol/L,血钾<3.5mmol/L者为低血钾;正常血镁参考值:0.7~1.0mmol/L 1.2检查方法:所有病例在急诊室及入院时做常规12导联心电图检查,并在心电监护及血钾、血镁监测下,经口服及静脉补钾及镁治疗,合并有其它疾病者作相应治疗,心律失常者经补钾及补镁后均消失,未用抗心律失常药物,27例经2~5天治疗后痊愈,出院时复查血钾、血镁及心电图均正常,1例急性心肌梗死患者发生室颤经电除颤无效死亡。 心电图分析见表1. 表1:28例低血钾及低血镁致室性心律失常的心电图情况 心电图表现 例数(n) 百分比(%) 偶发室性早搏 5 17.9 频发室性早搏 9 32.1 多源性室早 5 17.9 短阵室速 4 14.3 尖端扭转室速 3 10.7 心室颤动 2 7.1 3.讨论 低血钾及低血镁是临床常见的电解质紊乱,可表现为一组临床综合征。共有心电图改变:ST段下移,T波增宽、低平或倒置,出现U波。低血钾及低血镁影响整个机体的代谢,在原有疾病基础上



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