中级宏观经济学 ppt 课件 第9章.ppt

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* Chapter 14 is devoted to stabilization policy. * * Note: If the Fed correctly anticipates the sign and magnitude of the shock, then the Fed can respond as the shock occurs rather than after, and the economy never would go to point B - it would go immediately to point C. * * * slide * 运用货币政策稳定产出 SRAS1 Y P AD1 B SRAS2 A Y2 LRAS 不利的供给冲击使得经济体移动至B. 如果美联储不采取任何行动,经济体最终会恢复至A,但须经历痛苦的衰退期. slide * 运用货币政策稳定产出 Y P AD1 B SRAS2 A C Y2 LRAS AD2 但美联储可以实施扩张性货币政策增加总需求,以此应对这一冲击. 结果: P 永久性的上升, 但 Y 保持在充分就业水平上. slide * 总 结 1. 长期: 物价水平有伸缩性, 产出和就业始终处于自然率水平, 古典理论适用. 短期: 物价具有粘性, 外生冲击可以导致产出和就业偏离其自然率水平. 2. 总需求和总供给模型: 一个分析经济波动的有用框架. slide * 总结 3. 总需求曲线向右下方倾斜. 4. 长期总供给曲线是一条垂直线,因为长期中总产出取决于技术和要素供给,而不是物价水平. 5. 短期总供给曲线是一条水平线,因为短期中工资和物价停滞在以前决定的水平上. slide * 总结 6. 对总需求和总供给的冲击引起短期中GDP和就业的波动. 7. 中央银行可以运用货币政策来稳定经济. * * Point out the recessions, where GDP growth is negative for two or more quarters. 1974:2 through 1975:2 1980:2 through 1980:4 1982:1 through 1982:4 1991:1 through 1991:3 Source: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis: Growth rate of real GDP (chained 1996 dollars) Note: Recession dates may not precisely match official NBER recession dates, but data here do match that used in the text. * * Classical macroeconomic theory is what we learned in chapters 3-8. This slide recaps an important lesson from classical theory, which stands in sharp contrast to what we’re about to cover now. * …and, in an open economy, net exports. (See chapter 12.) * * * * The textbook explains different ways of thinking about the AD curve’s slope. Here’s one that I find works for students: An increase in the price level causes a fall in real money balances, and therefore a fall in the demand for goods services (because the demand for output is proportional to real money balances according to the simple money demand function that is implied by the quantity theory of money). * For future reference (a bunch of slides later in this chapter), it will be useful to see


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