大学英语2 第一单元.ppt

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4. ice-free (Line 18, Para. 4) adj. 不会冰冻的;不冻的 The wings of that fighter plane are made of a kind of ______________________. 那种战斗机的机翼是用一种先进的防冻材料制成的。 -free 表示“无……的、免除……的”之义 sugar-free beverage duty-free shop 不含糖饮料 免税商店 advanced ice-free material 6. subject oneself to (Line 24, Para. 5) make someone experience something, especially something unpleasant 使承受,使遭受 The girl’s sudden suffering of leukemia (blood cancer) subjected her parents to great sorrow. 那个女孩突患白血病(leukemia)让她的父母陷入深深的悲痛中。 His cheating on the exam subjected himself to a harsh punishment. 在考试中作弊,他将面临严厉的惩罚。 be subject to: be obedient to; be vulnerable to 易于…… Those who often have a close contact with the poultry____________________. 那些经常密切接触家禽的人容易患禽流感。 are subject to bird flu 7. engage in (Line 32, Para.8) take part or become involved in an activity从事,参与 He volunteered/was willing to be engaged in helping those migrant workers reclaim their unpaid salary. 他自愿参与帮助民工讨要工资。 Wang Baoqiang, one of the most popular actors nowadays, has engaged in construction before coming into entertainment field. 当今最红的演员之一王宝强在进入娱乐圈之前曾从事过建筑行业(当过建筑工人)。 8. content (Line 38, Para. 9) adj. happy and satisfied 满足的,满意的,甘愿的 很多白领并不满足于为别人打工。 Quite a few white collars are not content to work for others. vt. please 使满足;使满意 大学生切不可满足于仅仅拥有书本知识。 College students should never content (themselves) with book knowledge only. content与satisfactory content 表示对某一特殊事物满意或指在一定程度上 对现时感到满意。作形容词时,只能用作表语。satisfactory 侧重性质,状态方面的描写。 1. They will not be content with the victory already got. 他们不会满足于已经取得的胜利。 2. The way the patients are responding to the new treatment is most satisfactory. 病人对于新疗法的反应非常令人满意。 9. frustration (Line 39, Para. 9) n. 沮丧,挫折感 她内心越来越感到灰心丧气。 Frustration was built up inside her. When we found our way blocked, the sense of frustration was more than some of us could bear. 当我们发现无路可走时,一种令人难以忍受的挫败感向我们袭来。 动词形式:frustrate block (someone or something) from accomplishing a purpose 挫败;阻挠;使灰心 Ever


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